Hi Sharan,

yes, I meant the reorganisation task, thanks for the clarification and additional info.


Am 11.06.15 um 09:39 schrieb Sharan-F:
Hi Michael

I'm guessing you mean the Applications re-organisation?  If so then here is
the background.

The idea for including this was raised in in a discussion about on Addons on
the Dev list. It's a big thread but here is the link.


In response Jacopo mentioned that

/*Some time ago I proposed to move all entity definitions from the
applications components into a separate one; this component could also
contain crud/generic services: in this way it will be easier to deploy the
framework+data-model without the user interfaces that are not as generic and
universal as the data model is. In my opinion this would be a good step in
the right direction and it would be very easy to implement. */

I then suggested that if it was straightforward and would bring OFBiz some
benefits then we could add it to the task list for our next  Community Day.

I know Jacopo's response was very positive - which is why I added it to the
draft list but if there is still needs to be some more discussion or
consenus reached then we have a week or so to decide whether to inlcude it
or not. It's just a draft list - so I expected to get some feedback about
the content!

I'll raise a thread on the Dev list about it inlcuding it for the Community
day - and then we can see whether there is consenus or not.

The other topics - Website Update, Online Help and Wiki Documentation have
been discussed under other threads so I think these have eneough consenus to
begin working on them.


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