Hi Max,

you can make use of TransactionUtil, see WebToolsService#entityExportAll for an example.

The main pattern is

// start transaction

boolean beganTx = TransactionUtil.begin();

// iterate through generic values and store them, count numberWritten


   // commit after 500 values

   if (numberWritten % 500 == 0) {
       beganTx = TransactionUtil.begin();

// commit remaining values


Hope that helps,


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 10.07.17 um 22:47 schrieb Max Peak:
Greetings all,

I have a groovy script ( not a service) that collects (scrapes) data,
processes, and submits to db. If there are too many records, no error is
thrown but transaction timeout causes no records committed.

Is there a way to call forced commits occasionally during execution to clear
and reset the transaction queue?

Thanks a bunch

Max Peak

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