Thinking out loud, maybe one solution in here is to update the logic
in ModelService such that a map is automatically casted to a
GenericValue, or any object that is "instanceOf" would pass through.
The problem of course is how to carry "state" in these objects, which
is the reason why I dislike passing objects to services.

So another question, I see both SOAP and XML-RPC messages here, but
how are you invoking them? Is it just a simple URL or what?

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 11:51 AM, Rishi Solanki <> wrote:
> Hi Rajesh,
> SOAP request or XMLRPC request both uses the standard format conversion
> basic/regular java supports. That means if you are sending bunch of key
> value pair wrt a key ... in your case key is product. Then it will always
> convert it into the Map. So what general practices followed for xml data
> exchange is already exists.
> To have generic value or any other class value in your service IN
> parameter, you may need to add converter before passing it to service for
> invoke. That means, your checkMap method must be enabled for this type of
> conversion. Also this method will be invoked on IN parameter type. Please
> see XmlRpcEventHandler.getContext() for more details.
> This should be quick one and should resolve your problem, which enable the
> conversion of target type. A generic approach also welcome for
> contribution. :-)
> HTH!
> Regards,
> --
> Rishi Solanki
> Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
> HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
> Direct: +91-9893287847
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 12:17 AM, Rajesh Mallah <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jacques / List  ,
>> I face the very same problem with SOAP too , pls have a look if the SOAP
>> message is OK. Please suggest any edits to the SOAP message which i may
>> try.
>> <!-- start of soap -->
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <soap:Envelope soap:encodingStyle="
>> encoding/"
>> xmlns:ns1=""; xmlns:soap="
>>"; xmlns:soapenc="
>>"; xmlns:xsd="
>>"; xmlns:xsi="
>>     <soap:Body>
>>         <ns1:calculateProductPrice>
>>             <ns1:map-Map soapenc:arrayType="soapenc:Array[3]"
>> xsi:type="soapenc:Array">
>>                 <ns1:map-Entry soapenc:arrayType="xsd:anyType[2]"
>> xsi:type="soapenc:Array">
>>                     <ns1:map-Key>
>>                         <ns1:std-String value="login.username" />
>>                     </ns1:map-Key>
>>                     <ns1:map-Value>
>>                         <ns1:std-String value="admin" />
>>                     </ns1:map-Value>
>>                 </ns1:map-Entry>
>>                 <ns1:map-Entry soapenc:arrayType="xsd:anyType[2]"
>> xsi:type="soapenc:Array">
>>                     <ns1:map-Key>
>>                         <ns1:std-String value="login.password" />
>>                     </ns1:map-Key>
>>                     <ns1:map-Value>
>>                         <ns1:std-String value="ofbiz" />
>>                     </ns1:map-Value>
>>                 </ns1:map-Entry>
>>                 <ns1:map-Entry soapenc:arrayType="xsd:anyType[2]"
>> xsi:type="soapenc:Array">
>>                     <ns1:map-Key>
>>                         <ns1:std-String value="product" />
>>                     </ns1:map-Key>
>>                     <ns1:map-Value>
>>                         <ns1:map-Map>
>>                             <ns1:map-Entry
>> soapenc:arrayType="xsd:anyType[2]" xsi:type="soapenc:Array">
>>                                 <ns1:map-Key>
>>                                     <ns1:std-String value="productId" />
>>                                 </ns1:map-Key>
>>                                 <ns1:map-Value>
>>                                     <ns1:std-String value="PROD_SY87B9B8MY"
>> />
>>                                 </ns1:map-Value>
>>                             </ns1:map-Entry>
>>                         </ns1:map-Map>
>>                     </ns1:map-Value>
>>                 </ns1:map-Entry>
>>             </ns1:map-Map>
>>         </ns1:calculateProductPrice>
>>     </soap:Body>
>> </soap:Envelope>
>> <!-- end of soap -->
>> 2018-03-24 00:08:15,421 |http-nio-8443-exec-2
>> |ModelService                  |E| [ModelService.validate] :
>> {calculateProductPrice} : (IN) Required test error:
>> org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException: Type check failed for
>> field [calculateProductPrice.product]; expected type is
>> [org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue]; actual type is [java.util.HashMap]
>> 2018-03-24 00:08:15,421 |http-nio-8443-exec-2
>> |ServiceDispatcher             |E| Incoming context (in runSync :
>> calculateProductPrice) does not match expected requirements
>> org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException: Type check failed for
>> field [calculateProductPrice.product]; expected type is
>> [org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue]; actual type is [java.util.HashMap]
>> regds
>> mallah.
>> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 3:43 PM, Rajesh Mallah <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello Taher ,
>> >
>> > As suggested i shifted this discussion to the user list from dev.
>> >
>> > As you expected the product key has a value which is a
>> > struct. This maps to java.util.HashMap but the validator
>> > expects it to be a GenericValue and hence it does not hands it over
>> > to the service.
>> >
>> >
>> > $ ./  PROD_SY87B9B8MY
>> > 2018/03/23 15:34:31 ------------------------------
>> > --------------------------------------------------
>> > 2018/03/23 15:34:31 REQ  >>>>>>>>>   <?xml version="1.0"
>> encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>   <methodCall>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>     <methodName>calculateProductPrice</methodName>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>     <params>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>       <param>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>         <value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>          <struct>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>            <member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              <name>login.password</name>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              <value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                <string><![CDATA[ofbiz]]></string>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              </value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>            </member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>            <member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              <name>product</name>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              <value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                <struct>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                  <member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                    <name>productId</name>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                    <value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                      <string><![CDATA[PROD_
>> > SY87B9B8MY]]></string>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                    </value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                  </member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                </struct>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              </value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>            </member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>            <member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              <name>login.username</name>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              <value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>                <string><![CDATA[admin]]></string>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>              </value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>            </member>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>          </struct>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>         </value>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>       </param>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>     </params>
>> > REQ  >>>>>>>>>   </methodCall>
>> > 2018/03/23 15:34:31 ------------------------------
>> > --------------------------------------------------
>> > 2018/03/23 15:34:31 ------------------------------
>> > --------------------------------------------------
>> > 2018/03/23 15:34:31 RES  <<<<<<<<<   <?xml version="1.0"
>> encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<   <methodResponse
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<     xmlns:ex="
>> > extensions">
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<     <fault>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<       <value>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<         <struct>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<          <member>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<            <name>faultCode</name>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<            <value>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<              <i4>0</i4>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<            </value>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<          </member>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<          <member>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<            <name>faultString</name>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<            <value>Type check failed for field
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<              [calculateProductPrice.product]; expected
>> > type is
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<              [org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue];
>> > actual type is
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<              [java.util.HashMap]</value>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<          </member>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<         </struct>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<       </value>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<     </fault>
>> > RES  <<<<<<<<<   </methodResponse>
>> > 2018/03/23 15:34:31 ------------------------------
>> > --------------------------------------------------
>> > Service: calculateProductPrice faultString:Type check failed for field
>> > [calculateProductPrice.product]; expected type is
>> > [org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue]; actual type is
>> [java.util.HashMap]
>> >
>> > ========================================
>> > $ cat
>> >
>> > #!/usr/bin/perl
>> >
>> > use OFBizClient;
>> >
>> > my $ofbiz_client = OFBizClient->new(
>> >                                 url => 'https://your_ofbiz_server_
>> > here/webtools/control/xmlrpc' ,
>> >                                 username=>'admin'  ,
>> >                                 password => 'ofbiz'
>> > );
>> >
>> > my $productId = 'PROD_SY87B9B8MY';
>> > $ofbiz_client->call('calculateProductPrice' , { product => { productId
>> > =>  $productId }   } );
>> >
>> > ========================================
>> >
>> >
>> >

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