I think it would be much better if we can find a root-cause fix instead of
altering settings. I would be interested in helping out digging out
whatever is causing the memory leak if Guilio is interested in opening a
JIRA for this and investigating further.

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018, 11:48 AM Ingo Wolfmayr <ingo.wolfm...@wolfix.at>

> Hallo Guilio,
> I had a similar issue some time ago. My fix was to enable caching for
> groovy scripts etc.
> framework/base/config/cache.properties.
> There is a part that starts says:  # Development Mode - comment these out
> to better cache groovy scripts, etc
> After checking the heat cache analysis I found that for every groovy
> script call a new instance of that class was created. Caching fixed it
> completely. Maybe it will work for you too. You will then have to clear the
> cache in ofbiz if you change something in your groovy scripts.
> Best regards
> Ingo
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl <giulio.sp...@mpstyle.it>
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. September 2018 18:43
> An: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> Betreff: OFBiz OutOfMemory and stucked JobPoller issue
> Hello everyone,
> hope you're doing good.
> I am writing, because I am struggling with a quite strange problem, over
> an ofbiz installation, for one of our customers.
> This installation is composed by two instances of OFBiz (v13.07.03),
> served via an Apache Tomcat webserver, along with a load balancer.
> The database server is MariaDB.
> We had the first problems, about 3 weeks ago, when suddenly, the front1
> (ofbiz instance 1), stopped serving web requests; front2, instead, was
> still working correctly.
> Obviously we checked the log files, and we saw that async services were
> failing; the failure was accompanied by this error line:
> *Thread "AsyncAppender-async" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit
> exceeded*
> We analyzed the situation with our system specialists, and they told us
> that the application was highly stressing machine resources (cpu always at
> or near 100%, RAM usage rapidly increasing), until the jvm run out of
> memory.
> This "resource-high-consumption situation", occurred only when ofbiz1
> instance was started with the JobPoller enabled; if the JobPoller was not
> enabled, ofbiz run with low resource usage.
> We then focused on the db, to check first of all the dimensions; the
> result was disconcerting; 45GB, mainly divided on four tables: SERVER_HIT
> (about
> 18 GB), VISIT (about 15 GB), ENTITY_SYNC_REMOVE (about 8 GB), VISITOR
> (about 2 GB).
> All the other tables had a size in the order of few MB each.
> The first thing we did, was to clear all those tables, reducing
> considerably the db size.
> After the cleaning, we tried to start ofbiz1 again, with the JobPoller
> component enabled; this caused a lot of old scheduled/queued jobs, to
> execute.
> Except than for the start-up time, the resource usage of the machine,
> stabilized around normal to low values (cpu 1-10%).
> Ofbiz seemed to work (web request was served), but we noticed taht the
> JobPoller did not schedule or run jobs, anymore.
> The number of job in "Pending" state in the JobSandbox entity was small
> (about 20); no Queued, no Failed, no jobs in other states.
> In addition to this, unfortunately, after few hours, jvm run out of memory
> again.
> Our jvm has an heap maximum size of 20GB ( we have 32GB on the  machine),
> so it's not so small, I think.
> The next step we're going to do is set-up locally the application over the
> same production db to see what happens.
> Now that I explained the situation, I am going to ask if, in your
> opinion/experience:
> Could the JobPoller component be the root (and only) cause of the
> OutOfMemory of the jvm?
> Could this issue be related to this
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5710?
> Dumping and analyzing the heap of the jvm could help in some way to
> understand what or who fills the memory or is this operation a waste of
> time?
> Is there something that we did not considered or missed during the whole
> process of problem analysis?
> I really thank you all for your attention and your help; any suggestion or
> advice would really be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Giulio
> --
> Giulio Speri
> *Mp Styl**e Srl*
> via Antonio Meucci, 37
> 41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
> T 059/684916
> M 334/3779851
> www.mpstyle.it

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