Hi All -
Appreciate any pointers, Is it possible to override SECA definition by
overriding the same definition in

There is a SECA definition in applications/order/servicedef/secas.xml, as
you can see noteInfo is hardcoded, and i want to replace wih my noteinfo
without touching code under applications
 <!-- send a system note to all Customer request participants (excluding
the originator)
        when a note is added to a particular customer request.-->
    <eca service="createCustRequestItemNote" event="commit">
        <set field-name="noteParty" env-name="partyId"/>
        <set field-name="noteInfo" value="A note has been added to customer
        <set field-name="moreInfoItemName" value="custRequestId"/>
        <set field-name="moreInfoItemId" env-name="custRequestId"/>
        <set field-name="moreInfoUrl"
        <action service="createSystemInfoNote" mode="sync"/>
Is it possible to achieve this by overriding this in hot-deploy that has
extended this component applications/order-extended/servicedef/secas.xml
<!-- send a system note to all Customer request participants (excluding the
        when a note is added to a particular customer request.-->
    <eca service="createCustRequestItemNote" event="commit">
        <set field-name="noteParty" env-name="partyId"/>
        <set field-name="noteInfo" value="Custom Note"/>
        <set field-name="moreInfoItemName" value="custRequestId"/>
        <set field-name="moreInfoItemId" env-name="custRequestId"/>
        <set field-name="moreInfoUrl"
        <action service="createSystemInfoNote" mode="sync"/>

I had tried this without success, however i'm using this approach for
overriding services.


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