Hi Justine

This is mostly from memory of situations I've seen, I seem to recall having issues with PartyClassifications in rules,  as an experiment it might be worth checking using a different condition on the price rule instead of Party Classification (even just a PartyId) you could also try setting them to $0.50 instead and see if that works just to sanity check the rule logic because the price calculations might be preferring a different non-zero price.


On 07/12/2021 21:56, Justine Nowak wrote:

We have decided that some of our customers shouldn't be allowed to submit a
sales order. We have approached this by creating a category called "No
Sales" and when we want products to not be sold to a customer we add them
to this category. We also add our customers to a party classification. This
way we set up a price rule that sets the sale price for products under a
category and for users under a specific classification to $0.00 limiting
them from ordering that product.

But when we do this it doesn't work. How can we fix this?

Thanks Justine

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