Hi Jeff,

Unfortunately not, but I see no problem with the solution you used as long as 
you don't reuse any OOTB credentials, only yours.

You should also be aware of that about "birt.runtime:viewservlets": https://github.com/eclipse-birt/birt/issues/625 In other words there is very poor chances that birt.runtime:viewservlets upgrades above 4.5.0

Also note that for Flexible reports we need the BIRT designer.

About createFlexibleReportFromMaster, dit you put in the BirtMasterData and BirtTypeData? If it continues to fail with them, send us the related log part, ie around the error.



Le 25/07/2024 à 01:40, Jeff Christensen a écrit :

It turns out that I was having problems with using the correct version. I have 
now tried to make this work with both 18.12 and 22.01

Jacques, per your suggestion I can confirm that the Birt plugin works with the 
Demo data loaded.

On the 22.01 branch I got some level of success.

I added the following line to birt/ofbiz-component.xml :

<entity-resource type="data" reader-name="seed" loader="main" 

>From what I can understand without the call to the demo reader this config is not loaded.
Then all I had to do was assign the now available BIRT permissions to the users.

I am still getting the following if I try to create a flexible report:

        The Following Errors Occurred:
        You haven't the permission for the service 
createFlexibleReportFromMaster, reason : Access refused

  I will keep plugging away but I will repeat my more general question.

Is there any recipe for getting the BIRT reports plugin working without the 
demo data?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Christensen<jchristen...@1wa.org> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2024 9:10 AM
Subject: RE: Problem installing/enabling birt plugin

Hi Jacques,

Yes, I'm using 18.12

I did as you suggested and loaded the demo data. I no longer get the error 
message and the BIRT option is in the main menu.

I will continue to explore this as I am really trying to move towards a real 
production build with no demo data.

Thanks for your reply.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Le Roux<jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: Problem installing/enabling birt plugin

Hi Jeff,

I'll not ask if you use the last 18.12 release (18.12.14) or the trunk (22.01 
is unofficially //abandoned). They are very similar (almost same).

I just did a fast try with the trunk version that I have available under 
framework both from their respective repos.

Just after making the plugin enable I did not reproduce the error you reported.

On the other hand I was not able to get to the "Flexible report". Because it 
depends on demo data visible in ofbiz-component.xml. After loading them all worked as 

Try, for now, to load all demo data to see if it has an influence on the error 
you reported.

Then we will see...



Le 19/07/2024 à 01:12, Jeff Christensen a écrit :

I am trying to enable the birt plugin on a new instance of OFBiz without the 
demo data.

    1.  I copied the plugin to the ofbiz-framework/plugin directory
    2.  I edited the plugin/birt/ofbiz-component.xml and changed enabled="true"
    3.  I installed the plugin via "gradlew installPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin"

Now when I go to any menu that has been touched by the birt plugin I get the 
following message:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Error rendering included menu named
[MainActionMenu] at location []: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Could not find menu file in location []

Is there anything else I need to do?

I have also tried running ./gradlew "ofbiz --load-data 
readers=seed,seed-initial" in case there is any data that needs to be set up.


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