
thanks for reaching out!

For trademark guidelines, see https://apache.org/foundation/marks/guide.

To contribute to OFBiz, the described process is just fine. Please notice our commit message template described at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/OFBiz+commit+message+template.

Looking forward to your contributions,

best regards,

Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

Am 30.07.24 um 19:09 schrieb Groza Danut:

Copyright question: is it ok if I use Ofbiz as the name of my company that
will supply services based mainly on Apache Ofbiz to Romanian customers?
And also ofbiz.ro as the domain name?

Also another question
How do you organize your repositories, considering you will want to
contribute back? I was thinking about something like this:
1. Fork the apache ofbiz repo
2. Create a new branch for our production setup and customizations that
don't need to be contributed back
3. To contribute back create a new branch based on the trunk, naming it
after the jira issue, then create a pull request using this new branch as
the origin.

Groza Danut

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