hi ofbiz users,

I'm very glad to be added to the mailing list and this is my first time asking 
a question.

Today is my first time trying to build the project locally on windows.

I'm in China and many of the gradle/maven/google/github/npm like websites are 
too slow or even not accessible directly.

I added some gradle repository proxies before build and run `gradle cleanAll 
loadAll --info` following https://ofbiz.apache.org/developers.html,

Seems all necessary pom packages have been downloaded.

but build step stuck on npm step, seems the node itself is downloaded as a 
maven package, and I have no chance to setup its 
mirror/proxy(like https://registry.npmmirror.com, 
or https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/npm)

detailed message before errors:
Starting process 'command 
 Working directory: 
C:\G\ofbiz-framework\themes\common-theme\webapp\common-theme\js Command: 
 installSuccessfully started process 'command 

can anyone with similiar networking issue experience tell me how to solve? 
thanks in advance!

I'm not sure whether it is proper to attach the build logs, but if it helps I 
already attached.

gradle -v

------------------------------------------------------------Gradle 8.9
Groovy:        3.0.21
Launcher JVM:  17
Daemon JVM:    C:\j17 (no JDK specified, using current Java home)
OS:            Windows 10 10.0 amd64

Yang Lei

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