hi ofbiz users,
Recently I'm learning ofbiz by trying out the basic demos. First I follow https://ofbiz.apache.org/developers.html and can run the trunk. Then following the hello world demo https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/OFBiz+Tutorial+-+A+Beginners+Development+Guide#OFBizTutorialABeginnersDevelopmentGuide-CreateYourFirstApplication(HelloWorld...) I added content of OfbizDemoTypeData.xml and OfbizDemoDemoData.xml and ran `gradle loadAll ofbiz`, but exception thrown. error is like INSERT on table 'OFBIZ_DEMO' caused a violation of foreign key constraint 'ODEM_OD_TYPE_ID' for key detailed logs attached. I guess the in some steps the demo data is outdated? Can the ofbiz-framework repo include a branch, with the final version of the 'hello world demo'? so that newbies don't even have to copy and paste and can validate directly? Regards, Yang