Wow, that is awesome. It's exactly the tool I need. I will definitely use
it, and maybe with this tool I will also extend the translations beyond
just the ecommerce labels. Thank you so much Tomislav!

On Wed, 21 Aug 2024, 18:58 Tomislav Preksavec, <>

> Hi Groza,
> actually I made a tool for OfBiz labels translation a few years ago.
> It's a python3 script, it runs in terminal and utilizes Google Translate
> API to suggest translations. It helped me translate all of the OfBiz UI
> label files (~14.5K labels) to Croatian in approx 60 hours.
> You pass it the UI label filename (no path needed if you start it in the
> OfBiz root directory) and locale you want to use (default locale is
> 'hr', change it in file to make your life easier ;-)) and it
> goes through the xml finding the labels which don't have the translation
> for the given locale. It displays property name, EN locale label and GT
> suggested translation.
> If you agree with the suggestion all you have to do is hit ENTER and it
> moves to the next label. Else, you can edit the suggested label and then
> hit ENTER to move on. This is a very fast workflow, you can easily hit
> 200+ translations per hour.
> There are some other tools included too - you can analyze UI label file
> for given locale, search for label in the UI label file and transfer
> translations (if you do your work on the trunk branch, you can use it to
> transfer translations to some other branch, e.g. release18.12). It has
> simple help system integrated in the script, and there are some usage
> examples in the Github repo:
> Please be sure to read the 'Known issues' section before starting,
> especially be aware of the fact that your work won't be saved until you
> quit the tool, so make sure to quit regularly :-) Also, I've used it on
> Linux only, so there might be some issues on Win/Mac platforms I'm not
> aware of.
> Hope this helps,
> Tomislav Preksavec
> On 21. 08. 2024. 14:29, Groza Danut wrote:
> > Hello community,
> >
> > I want to contribute Romanian translations for ecommerce labels, because
> a
> > lot of them are missing and a lot of them are wrong.
> >
> > Do I need to open a Jira issue, since this is only going to touch one
> > file: ofbiz-plugins\ecommerce\config\EcommerceUiLabels.xml ?
> >
> > Also, are there any tools you are using to make the editing of labels
> > faster?
> >
> > PS: should I send these kind of messages to the dev ML?
> >
> > Groza Danut
> >

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