Hi 雷咩咩,
Don't expect more direct answers from me. Continue rather to only use the OFBiz
user ML
You will get a better support, people can answer you on the ML.
The wider the audience the better the answers you might get.
This said, to start the conversation, how did you set your data? Because for
sure that's not something that you can get OOTB.
I suggest to look for "data" at
Without missing
Le 25/08/2024 à 14:21, 雷咩咩 a écrit :
Thanks for response! Should be what you said but I'm really confused. Too many
entities and relationships to understand and check.
https://leiyang.icu/partymgr/control/findVisits shows 4 'democustomers'. aret
they built in data of the trunk?
Original Email
From:"Jacques Le Roux"< jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com >;
Sent Time:2024/8/25 18:09
To:"675686066"< 675686...@qq.com >;
Subject:Re: how to enable login account
Hi 雷咩咩,
You must have made a wrong association between demoCustomer and his security
Le 25/08/2024 à 03:05, 雷咩咩 a écrit :
> but then by the democustomer account i can modify the login password of admin.
> how can that be? anyone can explain?
> currently the democustomer password is 'password'
> Original Email
> From:"雷咩咩"<675686...@qq.com >;
> Sent Time:2024/8/25 8:48
> To:"ofbiz user">
> Subject:Re:how to enable login account
> solved mysefl, i had to assign it to paticular security group first in
> but i'm wondering why the built in data not automatically done that.
> also the default UI of democustomer wasn't as expected, it all looked like
the admin's style, with limited menus.
> Original Email
> From:"雷咩咩"<675686...@qq.com >;
> Sent Time:2024/8/23 23:04
> To:"ofbiz user">
> Subject:how to enable login account
> hi ofbiz users,
> I've set up ofbiz in my personal website, if you're interested
> By default I can login with admin, ofbiz.
> But I want to enable some other accounts and try login.
> For example, when open the derby database I can see user DemoCustomer in
table USER_LOGIN, by deafult ENABLED is null.
> I've searched user manuals but cannot find a way to enable it(verify login by
above login link).
> as admin, I go to this page https://leiyang.icu/partymgr/control/updatePassword and selected enable 'Y', and input password and saved, no any
error message prompt.
> Could anyone give me steps to enable specific user? I want to see the UI as a
customer, to view products and add to cart.
> If you can enable it, feel free to change the settings, and tell me the url
of customer ui and user name and password, thanks!
> Regards,
> Yang