Wait Yang,

All documentation is useful ;) The problem is to maintained it...

Le 31/08/2024 à 16:01, 雷咩咩 a écrit :
hi Jacques,

I had created account in atlassian and can found my profile 
in https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/profile-and-visibility
then i saw your new mail.
So seems i'll just wait. No hurry!

I'm new to ofbiz yet. I only have some experience of how to deploy it in 
China(most of main tools set networking blocked and need proxy).
So my main purpose was to share some steps to build and run in China, should 
not be as useful for normal users.


Original Email
From:"Jacques Le Roux"< jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com &gt;;

Sent Time:2024/8/31 21:35

To:"雷咩咩"< 675686...@qq.com &gt;;"user@ofbiz.apache.org"< user@ofbiz.apache.org 

Subject:Re: want to be apache contributor

Oops, sorry that's wrong. It's not for "Apache's" Confluence but Atlassian (I 
did not use it, was just trying a way).

  From this message it seems an Infra action is required

I'll check that with Infra (things change quickly)


Le 31/08/2024 à 10:13, Jacques Le Roux a écrit&nbsp;:
&gt; Hi Yang,
&gt; You need to create a Confluence account (Jira ans Confluence are 
separated) with one email that works there (maybe .invalid will not) and tell us
&gt; the Confluence Id you choose (the email is easier I guess, but that's up 
to you)
&gt; Something has changed (temporarily I hope) in Confluence, it's not as easy as before 
to create an account. I did not find the "signup" button.
&gt; Please try that
&gt; Jacques
&gt; Le 30/08/2024 à 10:23, 雷咩咩 a écrit&nbsp;:
&gt;&gt; hi admins,
&gt;&gt; I'd like to be apache ofbiz contributor, so that I can edit confluence 
wiki or even code.
&gt;&gt; attached the&nbsp;ICLA scans.
&gt;&gt; I already registered 2 jira accounts today,
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;1. this mail, name leiyang
&gt;&gt; &nbsp;2. leiyanghe...@gmai.com, name yang.lei
&gt;&gt; I'm not sure what 'Create confluence user id' means in this document 
&gt;&gt; but if my above two names can be used, then please help add, thanks!
&gt;&gt; Regard,
&gt;&gt; Yang

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