Hi Yang,

I can't find your "Confluence username". In the Jira 
(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-26082) you said

user name: leiyang

I tried both in case.

Are you sure your Confluence usernameis leiyang?

Also your ICLA have not been registered yet. I guess because it's the weekend, 
anyway (unrelated to Confluence and not blocking, just to say.


Le 01/09/2024 à 02:57, 雷咩咩 a écrit :
hi Jacques,

Requested using current mail, and got confirmation

Request a Confluence account
Your Confluence account request has been successfully verified, and will be 
reviewed by the project you indicated. Please allow up to a few days for the 
project to review this request. If you do not receive a reply from the project 
within seven days, you can contact the project management committee privately 
atpriv...@ofbiz.apache.org. If the project is still unable to respond, you can 
then escalate the matter to the ASF Infrastructure team atus...@infra.apache.org


发件人:"Jacques Le Roux"<jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com  &gt;;

发件时间:2024/8/31 23:04

收件人:"user"<user@ofbiz.apache.org  &gt;;

主题:Re: want to be apache contributor

Here is the solution:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-26082

Le 31/08/2024 à 16:09, Jacques Le Roux a écrit&nbsp;:
&gt; Wait Yang,
&gt; All documentation is useful ;) The problem is to maintained it...
&gt; Le 31/08/2024 à 16:01, 雷咩咩 a écrit&nbsp;:
&gt;&gt; hi Jacques,
&gt;&gt; I had created account in&nbsp;atlassian and can found my profile 
&gt;&gt; then i saw your new mail.
&gt;&gt; So seems i'll just wait. No hurry!
&gt;&gt; I'm new to ofbiz yet. I only have some experience of how to deploy it 
in China(most of main tools set networking blocked and need proxy).
&gt;&gt; So my main purpose was to share some steps to build and run in China, 
should not be as useful for normal users.
&gt;&gt; Regards,
&gt;&gt; Yang
 Original Email
&gt;&gt; From:"Jacques Le Roux"<jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com  &gt;;
&gt;&gt; Sent Time:2024/8/31 21:35
&gt;&gt; To:"雷咩咩"<675686...@qq.com  
&gt;;"user@ofbiz.apache.org"<user@ofbiz.apache.org  &gt;;
&gt;&gt; Subject:Re: want to be apache contributor
&gt;&gt; Oops, sorry that's wrong. It's not for "Apache's" Confluence but 
Atlassian (I did not use it, was just trying a way).
&gt;&gt; &nbsp; From this message it seems an Infra action is required
&gt;&gt; I'll check that with Infra (things change quickly)
&gt;&gt; Jacques
&gt;&gt; Le 31/08/2024 à 10:13, Jacques Le Roux a écrit&nbsp;:
&gt;&gt; &gt; Hi Yang,
&gt;&gt; &gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt; You need to create a Confluence account (Jira ans Confluence are 
separated) with one email that works there (maybe .invalid will not) and tell us
&gt;&gt; &gt; the Confluence Id you choose (the email is easier I guess, but 
that's up to you)
&gt;&gt; &gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt; Something has changed (temporarily I hope) in Confluence, it's not as easy 
as before to create an account. I did not find the "signup" button.
&gt;&gt; &gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt; Please try that
&gt;&gt; &gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt; Jacques
&gt;&gt; &gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt; Le 30/08/2024 à 10:23, 雷咩咩 a écrit&nbsp;:
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; hi admins,
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; I'd like to be apache ofbiz contributor, so that I can edit 
confluence wiki or even code.
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; attached the&nbsp;ICLA scans.
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; I already registered 2 jira accounts today,
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &nbsp;1. this mail, name leiyang
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &nbsp;2.leiyanghe...@gmai.com, name yang.lei
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; I'm not sure what 'Create confluence user id' means in this 
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; but if my above two names can be used, then please help add, 
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; Regard,
&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; Yang

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