Hi Parminder, Please, if not done yet, subscribe to the user ML for such questions and then use your email client. See why here http://ofbiz.apache.org/mailing-lists.html.
You will get a better support, people can answer you on the ML. The wider the audience the better the answers you might get. Thanks This said I hope Groza's email will help you (thank you Groza!). Else please give us more details about your environment if possible (OS, its version, java version, etc.) Jacques Le 10/01/2025 à 16:47, Parminder S. Lehal a écrit :
On one of my computers Ofbiz throws these errors when trying to run gradlew ofbiz for 18.12.17 [Fatal Error] commons-parent-54.pom:1:44: Content is not allowed in prolog. [Fatal Error] commons-parent-54.pom:1:44: Content is not allowed in prolog. [Fatal Error] commons-parent-54.pom:1:44: Content is not allowed in prolog. .................................... The same release works fine on one other computer. Both computers are on Fedora 41 with the same latest updates under same java 11 . What might be causing this error?