Thank you for having provide such great library !


Il dom 8 apr 2018, 13:08 <> ha scritto:

> A heads up for the Oltu user community that the ${project} project has
> been 'moved to the Attic'. This means that the Oltu developers (more
> formally its Project Management Committee) have voted to retire Oltu
> and move the responsibility for its oversight over to the Attic project.
> Loosely speaking this means that the projects resources will be moved to a
> read-only state.
> You can read more about the Apache Attic and the process of moving to the
> Attic at
> You can follow this process in JIRA:
> Thanks,
> Jan Iversen on behalf of Oltu + the Attic.
> --

-- Enrico Olivelli

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