
In the Oozie document: 
 it listed the oozie action max retries as "User-Retry allows user to give 
certain number of reties (must not exceed system max retries)", and I assume 
the system max retries is defined as "oozie.action.retries.max" with default 
value of 3,  defined in document 

But when I changed that value on AWS EMR 5.28.1, shown below:
[hadoop@ip-10-51-51-37 ~]$ oozie admin -version
Oozie server build version: 
[hadoop@ip-10-51-51-37 ~]$ oozie admin -configuration | grep retries
oozie.action.retries.max : 12
oozie.action.ssh.check.retries.max : 3
oozie.service.CallbackService.early.requeue.max.retries : 5
oozie.service.JPAService.retry.max-retries : 10
oozie.zookeeper.max.retries : 10

In our test for the action retries as "<action name="SparkAction" 
retry-max="10" retry-interval="1">", we observed the retries still ONLY 
happened 3 times with 1 minute interval, then Oozie workflow will go to failure 

Any idea why? In one of our business case, we want to retry more than 3 times 
with some interval as we defined, then go to the failure step.


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