
Wher can I downloading the LAST SUCCESS and FRESH version of OM? (Jenkins only listing last 15 build and not on older 2.x.x)

I try this:
 * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openmeetings/2.1.0/src
 * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openmeetings/2.1.0/bin

Is last fresh builds?

This mirror refresh all after JENKINS, JIRA issue tracking and resolving bugs OM 2.1.x?

I try downloading and installing the "last" ApacheRelease OM 2.1.0 and take many error in log (email system error getMail, resetMail...stc, and email invitation not work).

I tested many ver, the "best" last build on me: 2013.02.17.... from JENKINS.


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