
Howto check rooms status?

I have OM 2.1 and 3.0 server (only REST calls and directly acces to DB, not use a portal)

The problem:

Room signin OPENED whenn moderator is logged in (and publicate this OnLine ststus to main portal) and participants enabled join into room until moderator is close/logout/ the room. The moderator layout do not have LogOut/CloseRoom , close event whenn moderator close browser/iframe window and server disconnect.

Howto get query(SELECT xxx) from db.conferencelog the online rooms and participants+moderators in room status into one list?

eg.: 10 room start at time and one list showing online status onto public page, user can select romm and join in...

good process: online rooms collate from db cycle at minutes on backend script and results put on JSON file. The json is calling many website point with AJAX. This not load db query on many async connection public calling.

Balazs Varga

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