Hello Maxim,

These are my testing:


Java ... OpenJava 1.7.65 - Icedtea-Web plugin.


Server on Debian Wheezy 32bits:

Upload files (txt, rtf, odt, ppt) ...... OK

Sharing Desktop ........................ OK

Recording Conference Room .............. OK

Recording Interview Room ............... Negative

(the flv file is right in .../stream/1, but is not
in .../hibernate)

Server on Centos 6.5 64bits:

Upload files (txt, rtf, odt, ppt) ...... OK

Sharing Desktop ........................ OK

Recording Conference Room .............. OK

Recording Interview Room ............... Negative

(the flv file is right in .../stream/1, but is not
in .../hibernate)

Don't use Oracle Java 1.7.65 because gives problems
when try open sharing/recording window.
I try configure jcontrol (java panel control) but
don't get the right resultat.




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