OK, file it myself: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-1630

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 11:50 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>

> Seems to be reproducible
> working on it
> Could you please file JIRA at https://issues.apache.org/
> jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS ?
> Thanks in advance!
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Ramon,
>> I'll try to reproduce this using 3.2.1 and will write back
>> On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 9:03 PM, Ramón Zárate Moedano <hor...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Community:
>>> Technical details
>>> OM 3.2.0 (Revisión 1782178)
>>> Moodle 3.2
>>> OM-moodle-plugin 2017031011
>>> I am developing a moodle integration using openmeetings(3.2.0). I am
>>> using OM plugin (downloaded from moodle.org/plugins) In addition to the
>>> features offered by the plugin, I need to add the functionality of knowing
>>> how many concurrent users are in each om room.
>>> To accomplish this task, I'm using webservice RoomWebService
>>> (http://openmeetings.apache.org/openmeetings-webservice/apid
>>> ocs/index.html).
>>> Using "room" service and the "counters" method.
>>>     counters
>>>     @GET
>>>      @Path(value="/counters")
>>>     public List<RoomCountBean> counters(@QueryParam(value="sid")
>>>  String sid,
>>>  @QueryParam(value="id")
>>>  List<Long> ids)
>>>                                                                 throws
>>> org.apache.openmeetings.webservice.error.ServiceException
>>>     Returns current users for rooms ids
>>>     Parameters:
>>>         sid - - The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin
>>>         ids - - id of the room you need counters for
>>>     Returns:
>>>         - current users for rooms ids
>>>     Throws:
>>>         org.apache.openmeetings.webservice.error.ServiceException
>>> Using this documentation i constructed an url that is as follows:
>>> http://OM-Server-IP:5080/meetingcenter/services/room/counter
>>> s/?&sid=d69ec56c-a2e9-4fd5-9712-e460748dc1db&id=5
>>> <http://om-server-ip:5080/meetingcenter/services/room/counters/?&sid=d69ec56c-a2e9-4fd5-9712-e460748dc1db&id=5>
>>> Where
>>>  Meetingcenter is the om installation folder (custom context)
>>> Room / counters is the service with the called method
>>>  sid=d69ec56c-a2e9-4fd5-9712-e460748dc1db hash login
>>>   id=5 the id of the room that you want to consult.
>>> Using this url and method i get error responses.
>>> The documentation references the type List <Long>,
>>> So it could be an array???.
>>> These are the responses i am getting according to the values that i
>>> tried.
>>>  id=5: "No message body writer has been found for class
>>> java.util.ArrayList, ContentType: application/json"
>>>  id=[5]: (NULL). Using browser console 404
>>>  id={5}: (NULL). Using browser console 400
>>>  id[]=5: "HTTP Status 500 - Failed to execute query "SELECT r FROM Room
>>> r WHERE r.deleted = false AND r.id IN :ids". Check the query syntax for
>>> correctness. See nested exception for details."
>>>  id[0]=5: "HTTP Status 500 - Failed to execute query "SELECT r FROM Room
>>> r WHERE r.deleted = false AND r.id IN :ids". Check the query syntax for
>>> correctness. See nested exception for details."
>>> Apparently There is something wrong with sending the room id's.
>>> To corroborate that correct information is being sent as hash,
>>> information is requested from another web service with positive results.
>>> For example:
>>>   http://OM-Server-IP:5080/meetingcenter/services/user?sid=f
>>> 02e731d-2fa4-496c-a78f-86f9d6c6b382
>>> <http://om-server-ip:5080/meetingcenter/services/user?sid=f02e731d-2fa4-496c-a78f-86f9d6c6b382>
>>> And the answer is an array with a full list of all the users that exist
>>> in this instance:
>>>   {"userDTO":[{"address":{"country":"US","deleted":false,"email":"
>>> r...@domain.com","id":1},"firstname":"firstname","id":1,
>>> "languageId":8,"lastname":"lastname","login":"root","rights"
>>> :["Admin","Soap","Room","Login","Dashboard"],"timeZoneId":"
>>> America/Mexico_City","type":"user"}]}
>>> Any clue????
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Ramón
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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