To create recording hash you need to check this example:

Request for recording hash (not room hash) will be:

  method: "POST",
  url: "services/user/hash?sid=78189aff-d68d-458a-8840-5b18d15a50b0",
  data: {user: JSON.stringify({
      firstname: 'John',
      lastname: 'Doe',
      externalId: 'uid1',
      externalType: 'myCMS',
      login: 'superjohn'
    options: JSON.stringify({
      *recordingId: XXX*,
      moderator: true,
      showAudioVideoTest: true
  dataType: "json"

you have to specify valid recording ID

Recording location on the server is:
${OM_HOME}/webapps/openmeetings/streams/hibernate/   (poster as JPG and
recording as mp4)
Raw intermediate files are in

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Darshit Patel <>

> I have created room and recorded one session using screen sharing
> application. Now I want to access that recording.
> Can you please guide me to how to create hash for recording,l and what
> options should I provide.
> I also want to know where that recordings stored on server.
> Thanks
> Darshit Patoliya

Maxim aka solomax

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