Hello Maxim and others,

This is not a "blocker", but a suggestion. I am seeing the following on the public video and whiteboard room on latest Chrome on Windows 10:


My suggestions:

1)  In the left column user column when I mouse-over the nice green microphone icon and the nice green video camera icon, the text states "Turn off microphone" ande "Turn off camera".  Since we decided to have these icons represent "states" rather than "to-do actions", I recommend that the text be changed to:

"Microphone is on. Click to turn off." and "Camera is on. Click to turn off."

2)  In the dragable user rectangle in the middle of the whiteboard - which is working fine - I see an orange microphone icon when I mouse-over it. Since the microphone is "on", it should be green, not orange. Also, since there is no grren camera icon, perhaps neither is necessary (since these indicators and controls are already in the above-mentioned left hand user column. So I recommend:


a) eliminating the microphone symbol in the dragable user rectangle;


b) changing its color to green to indicate an "on" state, and adding an icon for the camera next to it.

I think these minor changes will help to avoid confusion for users, and provide more consistency.

Since we really want and need a stable 5.0.0 release right now, I won't call these release blockers, but I strongly suggest them.

Great work. I don't see any other problems.



Quoting Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:

Hello All,
   I would like to start a VOTE for new release ASAP
   Are there any blockers?
            Best regards,

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