Hej Mark,

i've tried to solve this problem once upon a time, but switched back to
my old config. I had the impression, that my config did not work out too

Have a look for the subject:

"Behind a companies firewall, changing ports and udp packages to tcp ?"

on https://openmeetings.markmail.org/

I wrote a summary. I would be glad if this helps ... ;-)

Have fun,


On 09/02/2021 19:21, Soper Certus wrote:
> Forgive me.. but i don't undestand...
> i have installed the ISO, work fine..in ports different than 443 :(
> When i change server.xml to port 443 it stop to work...
> netstat say that no device listen to 443 or 80, i have changee the
> apache .conf files to work with other ports.. like 81, 82.. 444..
> 1444.. apache work fine..
> what is the problem? nobody try this option? i need to use 443 and 80
> to bypass firewalls
> Thanks
> Mark

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