hey guys,

i develop an own file backend to use within files_external. at the
beginning everything worked fine, but now i get many of these errors:

{"app":"core","message":"Exception while scanning file
\"Neu\/DAL-AR_AN_8_O_0001_00-P.pdf\": An exception occurred while executing
'INSERT INTO `oc_filecache` (`mimepart`, `mimetype`, `mtime`, `size`,
`etag`, `storage_mtime`, `path_hash`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `storage`)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)':\n\nSQLSTATE[HY000]: General
error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting

does this mean, there are too many requests to the database because of my
filebackend? when these errormessages come up, i only get the loading-wheel
at the screen and i can't access the files of my backend

any suggestions?

thanks for ur help
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