Hi Loïc,

First I have to say that I'm just an ownCloud user and not a programming 
My server has been automatically installed at a web-hosting company where I 
basically have 5GB space.
So I customize as less as possible.

Your questions:
  1.. For the time being the current UTF-8 patch will do. I'm confident that 
the OC team will solve this.
  Following the server installation instructions should be enough.
  But, ..... do not forget to have another good backup of your valuable data!
  On my home network I use a file comparison tool (Beyond Compare) to check the 
results between different PC's.
  I check on CRC and mtime and in the past I found some problems that I 
reported to the OC team.
  2.. It's not wise to delete data files or folders on the server. That might 
destroy the relation to what is stored in the database.
  I always try to clean-up things via the local clients or via their web 
  Sometimes I remove .part files that were left behind (a known issue) and 
(temporary) files/folders that are for sure not used by any client.
  Digging around in the database and changing things there is the last thing 
that I would do.

  I remember that there were discussions about how to repair damaged databases.
  Please try to find (Google) it on the the OC forum, in the manuals or at 

  A new fresh server installation will help as well ;-))
  I soon expect server 8.0.3.
Good luck,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Loïc De Schrooder 
  To: h...@onsnet.nu ; user@owncloud.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 4:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [owncloud-user] trouble with file name encoding

  Thanks for your answer Henk.

  I forgot to define the default charset in my php.ini, now it's done :-)
  Yes, I did not specify, but I tried to create this folder on a windows 7, 
with the same desktop client version, and it worked without problems (even 
before this change).

  My concern is about a user who receive a lot of files from different 
operating systems (most are Mac and several Windows).
      Those files are then store on the Debian storage wich could not interpret 
this special character.

  I have some more questions :-)

    a.. Do you think default_charset UTF-8 is enough to prevent this type of 
problem ? 

      a.. If you think no, do I need to customize my database mariadb and/or my 
web server nginx as well as php ?

    a.. The folder still present in the user profil whereas I deleted it 
directly from the storage, do you have a solution to delete this bad folder 
from ownCloud as well ? 
      a.. (Bad entries in database or anything else ?) 
  Thank you,


      Hi Loïc,

      I think that you can find a temporary solution in the issue described at: 

      I'm using server 8.0.2 and client 1.8.0 as well.
      I could create a folder "dossier définitif" without any problems.

      The final solution for the issue is planned for server 8.0.3. 

      Good luck,

      (alias VincentvgNn)

    > ownCloud Version 8.0.2
    > OS : Debian 7.5
    > ---------------------------------
    > Desktop client : 1.8.0
    > OS Desktop : Windows 7
    > ____________________
    > Hi,
    > I have a concern about a folder causing trouble in ownCloud web 
    > interface and in the synchronization of the client.
    > I think it is about file name encoding.
    > Files may come from different OS (Mac, Windows).
    > The folder should be "dossier définitif"
    > In my storage it appears as "dossier d?finitif"
    > In the web interface I see "dossier d" and when I  select it, it bring 
    > me back to my home folder.
    > And the desktop client shows me errors regarding synchronization of this 
    > folder "dossier d"
    > So to solve the problem, I tried to delete the folder directly from the 
    > storage in order to recreate it but the folder still appearing.
    > Even after rescanning it using the command "sudo -u www-data php 
    > console.php files:scan --all" and even after deleting it from the web 
    > interface.
    > Would you have any solutions ?
    > Thank you in advance,
    > Loïc,
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