Are you sure, the password is really correct?

Try to call the function directly:

$ php -r 'imap_open("{localhost:143}", "username", "password", OP_HALFOPEN, 1);'

If it fails you'll see an error. Also check the IMAP server log.


On 28/07/15 16:54, Martin S wrote:

I've enabled the External Users feature, and set the config.php to point
to my mail server

"user_backends" => array (

0 => array (

"class" => "OC_User_IMAP",

"arguments" => array (

0 => '{localhost:143}'




But I constantly get a "Wrong password" error. I've also experimented with





but get the same error. What more can I try to get round this. I'm
looking to use the imap authentication for owncloud? Does the account
actually need to be on the server prior to login, or would it create it
on login?

/Martin S



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