Thank you for your answwer Jürgen! I will check on Monday when get back from
abroad travel, but it sounds good.



Eduard Biete


From: [] On Behalf
Of Jürgen Weigert
Sent: divendres, 15 de juliol de 2016 13:45
Subject: Re: [owncloud-user] owncloud permissions on Synology


Hey Eduard!

ownCloud requires a way to write the files. In Linux there are three sets of
permissions, user, group, others. User permissions are not applicable as
your user is not httpd, others permissions are not desirable (your current
workaround) if I understand correctly, that leaves us with group
Please check what the effective group of your httpd is (that group is
probably also named httpd), use chgrp -R to put the files in that group,
then grant 
write permission through chmod g+rw(x) -- not sure if that achieves the
security you had in mind, but that might be an idea...

cheers, JW-


Am 13.07.2016 um 13:50 schrieb Eduard Biete:

Dear all,


I would appreciate if anyone can give me some light in a little issue I’m


I installed owncloud 8.2 in a Synology NAS server with the External Folders
plugin as for my roaming users to be able to synchronize with our synology
file server. I share the folders as “local share”. Everything is running Ok
and sync performed. Synology user accounts are sync with Active Directory to
keep passwords and users in sync.


Issue is related to permissions: Synology requires that folders are root
owned in order to apply AD grant/deny permissions but Owncloud requires
httpd ownership. Right now I have granted +777 to all folders (root owned)
so Owncloud and Synology can both access to files. But, logically now, all
users have access to all department folders, which should not happen.


Any idea? Please don’t hesitate to ask me any question or clarification that
can help in the resolution of this security problem.


Thank you in advance. 

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