On December 29, 2017 9:14:12 AM EST, "Fabian A. Santiago" 
<fsanti...@garbage-juice.com> wrote:
>for several days now I've been unable to update my desktop client. DNF
>complains of:
>Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'isv_ownCloud_desktop', disabling.
>initially it was able to see a new package version but always failed to
>download it. now it's disabling the repo. 
>is everything ok with the repo or is the issue on my end somewhere? i
>am running fedora 27 now as well in case that's an issue too. thanks. 
>Fabian S.
>OpenPGP: 3C3FA072ACCB7AC5DB0F723455502B0EEB9070FC

Different error now:

Error: Transaction check error:
  file /etc/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst from install of 
owncloud-client-2.4.0-8911.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package 

What's going on here now? My first reported error seems to have cleared itself 


Fabian S.

OpenPGP: 3C3FA072ACCB7AC5DB0F723455502B0EEB9070FC
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