*bin/hbase classpath:*


this is the result i got for Hbase classpath command...and this is the
"/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase/lib/" path i executed the code...

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Jesse Yates <jesse.k.ya...@gmail.com>

> The classpath you are using above doesn't include the HBase config files,
> so the code executed will correctly tell you that the class exists, but is
> not configured.
> Have you tried running
> "bin/hbase classpath"
> to see what you're classpath is at RS startup? If its the same as the -cp
> argument, its missing the config files.
> On Aug 11, 2014 6:10 AM, "Saravanan A" <asarava...@alphaworkz.com> wrote:
>> *This is the command i run in hbase classpath (test1.jar is my jar file)*:
>> hbase -cp
>> .:hadoop-common-2.0.0-cdh4.7.0.jar:commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:hbase-0.94.15-cdh4.7.0-security.jar:com.google.collections.jar:commons-collections-3.2.1.jar:phoenix-core-3.0.0-incubating.jar:com.google.guava_1.6.0.jar:test1.jar
>> FixConfigFile
>> *The Output:*
>> Found
>> Not Found
>> *This is my full code:*
>> import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
>> public class FixConfigFile {
>> public static final String INDEX_WAL_EDIT_CODEC_CLASS_NAME =
>> "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec";
>>  public static final String WAL_EDIT_CODEC_CLASS_KEY =
>> "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.codec";
>>  public static void main(String[] args) {
>> Configuration config=new Configuration();
>> isWALEditCodecSet(config);
>> }
>> public static boolean isWALEditCodecSet(Configuration conf) {
>>         // check to see if the WALEditCodec is installed
>>         try {
>>             // Use reflection to load the IndexedWALEditCodec, since it
>> may not load with an older version
>>             // of HBase
>>             Class.forName(INDEX_WAL_EDIT_CODEC_CLASS_NAME);
>>             System.out.println("Found");
>>         } catch (Throwable t) {
>>         System.out.println("Error");
>>             return false;
>>         }
>>         if
>> null))) {
>>             // its installed, and it can handle compression and
>> non-compression cases
>>         System.out.println("True");
>>             return true;
>>         }
>>         System.out.println("Not Found");
>>         return false;
>>     }
>> }
>> ************
>> am not sure this is how you want me to execute the code...If am wrong
>> please guide me...
>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Jesse Yates <jesse.k.ya...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> When you run
>>>    $ bin/hbase classpath
>>> What do you get? Should help illuminate if everything is setup right.
>>> If the phoenix jar is there, then check the contents of the jar (
>>> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/view.html) and
>>> make sure the classes are present.
>>>  On Aug 9, 2014 1:03 AM, "Saravanan A" <asarava...@alphaworkz.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jesse,
>>>> I ran the following code to test the existence of the classes you asked
>>>> me to check. I initialized the two constants to the following values.
>>>> =======
>>>> public static final String INDEX_WAL_EDIT_CODEC_CLASS_NAME =
>>>> "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec";
>>>> public static final String WAL_EDIT_CODEC_CLASS_KEY =
>>>> "hbase.regionserver.wal.codec";
>>>> ======
>>>> Then I ran the following code and got the error "Not found" in the
>>>> equality test.
>>>> ====
>>>>         if
>>>> null))) {
>>>>             // its installed, and it can handle compression and
>>>> non-compression cases
>>>>             System.out.println("True");
>>>>             return true;
>>>>         }
>>>>         System.out.println("Not Found");
>>>> ====
>>>> I am not sure, if I initialized the values for the constants correctly.
>>>> If I did, then I think some jars are missing or I have incorrect version.
>>>> We use CDH 4.7 which has the Hbase version of 0.94.15 and Phoenix
>>>> version of 3.0
>>>> Can you tell me how to make this work? Your assistance is greatly
>>>> appreciated.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Saravanan.A
>>>> Full code
>>>> ==========
>>>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>>         Configuration config=new Configuration();
>>>>         isWALEditCodecSet(config);
>>>>     }
>>>>     public static boolean isWALEditCodecSet(Configuration conf) {
>>>>         // check to see if the WALEditCodec is installed
>>>>         try {
>>>>             // Use reflection to load the IndexedWALEditCodec, since it
>>>> may not load with an older version
>>>>             // of HBase
>>>>             Class.forName(INDEX_WAL_EDIT_CODEC_CLASS_NAME);
>>>>             System.out.println("Found");
>>>>         } catch (Throwable t) {
>>>>             System.out.println("Error");
>>>>             return false;
>>>>         }
>>>>         if
>>>> null))) {
>>>>             // its installed, and it can handle compression and
>>>> non-compression cases
>>>>             System.out.println("True");
>>>>             return true;
>>>>         }
>>>>         System.out.println("Not Found");
>>>>         return false;
>>>>     }
>>>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Jesse Yates <jesse.k.ya...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> This error is thrown when on the server-side, the following code
>>>>> returns false (IndexManagementUtil#isWALEditCodecSet):
>>>>>     public static boolean isWALEditCodecSet(Configuration conf) {
>>>>>>         // check to see if the WALEditCodec is installed
>>>>>>         try {
>>>>>>             // Use reflection to load the IndexedWALEditCodec, since
>>>>>> it may not load with an older version
>>>>>>             // of HBase
>>>>>>             Class.forName(INDEX_WAL_EDIT_CODEC_CLASS_NAME);
>>>>>>         } catch (Throwable t) {
>>>>>>             return false;
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>         if
>>>>>> null))) {
>>>>>>             // its installed, and it can handle compression and
>>>>>> non-compression cases
>>>>>>             return true;
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>         return false;
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>  You could just put this into a main method in a java class, put that
>>>>> in the classpath of your HBase install on one of the machines on your
>>>>> cluster and run it from the HBase command line to make sure that it 
>>>>> passes.
>>>>> Otherwise, you might not have the actual right configs (copy-paste error?)
>>>>> or missing the right jars.
>>>>> Also, FWIW, this property:
>>>>>  <property>
>>>>>>      <name>hbase.region.server.rpc.scheduler.factory.class</name>
>>>>>> <value>org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.ipc.PhoenixIndexRpcSchedulerFactory</value>
>>>>>>      <description>Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that
>>>>>> knows to put index updates into index queues</description>
>>>>> </property>
>>>>>  is only valid in HBase 0.98.4+ (as pointed out in the section
>>>>> "Advanced Setup - Removing Index Deadlocks (0.98.4+)"). However, it should
>>>>> still be fine to have in older versions.
>>>>> -------------------
>>>>> Jesse Yates
>>>>> @jesse_yates
>>>>> jyates.github.com
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 2:18 AM, Saravanan A <asarava...@alphaworkz.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> This is my Hbase-site.xml file...
>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>>> <!--Autogenerated by Cloudera CM on 2014-06-16T11:10:16.319Z-->
>>>>>> <configuration>
>>>>>>  <property>
>>>>>>      <name>hbase.regionserver.wal.codec</name>
>>>>>> <value>org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec</value>
>>>>>>  </property>
>>>>>>  <property>
>>>>>>      <name>hbase.region.server.rpc.scheduler.factory.class</name>
>>>>>> <value>org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.ipc.PhoenixIndexRpcSchedulerFactory</value>
>>>>>>      <description>Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that
>>>>>> knows to put index updates into index queues</description>
>>>>>>  </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.rootdir</name>
>>>>>>     <value>hdfs://alpmas.alp.com:8020/hbase</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.client.write.buffer</name>
>>>>>>     <value>2097152</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.client.pause</name>
>>>>>>     <value>1000</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.client.retries.number</name>
>>>>>>     <value>10</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.client.scanner.caching</name>
>>>>>>     <value>1000</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize</name>
>>>>>>     <value>20971520</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.rpc.timeout</name>
>>>>>>     <value>1200000</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.security.authentication</name>
>>>>>>     <value>simple</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>zookeeper.session.timeout</name>
>>>>>>     <value>240000</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>zookeeper.retries</name>
>>>>>>     <value>5</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>zookeeper.pause</name>
>>>>>>     <value>5000</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>zookeeper.znode.parent</name>
>>>>>>     <value>/hbase</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>zookeeper.znode.rootserver</name>
>>>>>>     <value>root-region-server</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum</name>
>>>>>>     <value>zk3.alp.com,zk2.alp.com,zk1.alp.com</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>>   <property>
>>>>>>     <name>hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort</name>
>>>>>>     <value>2181</value>
>>>>>>   </property>
>>>>>> </configuration>
>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Saravanan A <
>>>>>> asarava...@alphaworkz.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I already included this property in hbase-site.xml in all region
>>>>>>> servers..but still am getting that error...If i define my view as
>>>>>>> IMMUTABLE_ROWS = true, then i can able to create view..but i want to 
>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>> index for mutable..
>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Abhilash L L <
>>>>>>> abhil...@capillarytech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Really sorry, shared the wrong config
>>>>>>>> <property>
>>>>>>>>   <name>hbase.regionserver.wal.codec</name>
>>>>>>>> <value>org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec</value>
>>>>>>>> </property>
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Abhilash L L
>>>>>>>> Capillary Technologies
>>>>>>>> M:919886208262
>>>>>>>> abhil...@capillarytech.com | www.capillarytech.com
>>>>>>>> Email from people at capillarytech.com may not represent official
>>>>>>>> policy of  Capillary Technologies unless explicitly stated. Please see 
>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>> Corporate-Email-Policy
>>>>>>>> <http://support.capillary.co.in/policy-public/Corporate-Email-Policy.pdf>
>>>>>>>> for details. Contents of this email are confidential. Please contact 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> Sender if you have received this email in error.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:07 PM, Saravanan A <
>>>>>>>> asarava...@alphaworkz.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Abhilash,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the replay...i included above property and restarted
>>>>>>>>> the region servers but still am getting the same error...
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Abhilash L L <
>>>>>>>>> abhil...@capillarytech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Saravanan,
>>>>>>>>>>     Please check the Setup section here
>>>>>>>>>> http://phoenix.apache.org/secondary_indexing.html
>>>>>>>>>>    You will need to add this config to all Region Servers in
>>>>>>>>>> hbase-site. xml, as the error says as well (You will need to restart 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> servers after the change)
>>>>>>>>>> <property>
>>>>>>>>>>   <name>hbase.region.server.rpc.scheduler.factory.class</name>
>>>>>>>>>> <value>org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.ipc.PhoenixIndexRpcSchedulerFactory</value>
>>>>>>>>>>   <description>Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that 
>>>>>>>>>> knows to put index updates into index queues</description>
>>>>>>>>>> </property>
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Abhilash L L
>>>>>>>>>> Capillary Technologies
>>>>>>>>>> M:919886208262
>>>>>>>>>> abhil...@capillarytech.com | www.capillarytech.com
>>>>>>>>>> Email from people at capillarytech.com may not represent
>>>>>>>>>> official policy of  Capillary Technologies unless explicitly stated. 
>>>>>>>>>> Please
>>>>>>>>>> see our Corporate-Email-Policy
>>>>>>>>>> <http://support.capillary.co.in/policy-public/Corporate-Email-Policy.pdf>
>>>>>>>>>> for details. Contents of this email are confidential. Please contact 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> Sender if you have received this email in error.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Saravanan A <
>>>>>>>>>> asarava...@alphaworkz.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>     I have a table in hbase and created view in phoenix and try
>>>>>>>>>>> to create index on a column on the view..but i got following error..
>>>>>>>>>>> Error: ERROR 1029 (42Y88): Mutable secondary indexes must have
>>>>>>>>>>> the hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property set to
>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec in the
>>>>>>>>>>> hbase-sites.xml of every region server tableName=tab2_col4
>>>>>>>>>>> (state=42Y88,code=1029)
>>>>>>>>>>> but i have added the hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property in
>>>>>>>>>>> all my region server...i can able to create IMMUTABLE index for 
>>>>>>>>>>> that...
>>>>>>>>>>> Am using Hbase ---0.94.15-cdh4.7.0
>>>>>>>>>>>             Phoenix---3.0
>>>>>>>>>>> am i missing something???
>>>>>>>>>>> thanks in advance...
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Saravanan
>>>>>>>>>> Email from people at capillarytech.com may not represent
>>>>>>>>>> official policy of Capillary Technologies unless explicitly stated. 
>>>>>>>>>> Please
>>>>>>>>>> see our Corporate-Email-Policy for details.Contents of this email are
>>>>>>>>>> confidential. Please contact the Sender if you have received this 
>>>>>>>>>> email in
>>>>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>> Email from people at capillarytech.com may not represent official
>>>>>>>> policy of Capillary Technologies unless explicitly stated. Please see 
>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>> Corporate-Email-Policy for details.Contents of this email are 
>>>>>>>> confidential.
>>>>>>>> Please contact the Sender if you have received this email in error.

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