
The phoenix-spark integration is a thin wrapper around the
phoenix-mapreduce integration, which under the hood just uses Phoenix's
'UPSERT' functionality for saving. As far as I know, there's no provisions
for checkAndPut functionality there, so if you require it, I suggest
sticking to the HBase API for now.

Re: timestamp, the phoenix-spark API only supports using the native Phoenix
time formats, i.e. DATE, TIMESTAMP.

Good luck,


On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 11:40 PM, kaye ann <kayeann_po...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am using Spark 1.3, HBase 1.1 and Phoenix 4.4. I have this in my code:
> val rdd = processedRdd.map(r => Row.fromSeq(r))
> val dataframe = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
> dataframe.save("org.apache.phoenix.spark", SaveMode.Overwrite,
>     Map("table" -> HTABLE, "zkUrl" -> zkQuorum))
> This code works, but...
> 1. How do I implement HBase's checkAndPut using Phoenix-Spark API?
> CREATED_DATE is always set to DateTime.now() in the dataframe.
> I don't want the field to be updated if the row already exists in HBase,
> yet there's an update in other fields.
> I can achieve it using HBase's checkAndPut: Put all the fields and use
> checkAndPut on created_date field.
> 2. How do I add an HBase Timestamp using Phoenix-Spark similiar to HBase
> API:
> Put(rowkey, timestamp.getMillis)
> -----------------
> This is my code using HBase API that I am trying to convert to
> Phoenix-Spark since I think Phoenix-Spark is more optimized:
> rdd.foreachPartition(p => {
>   val conf = HBaseConfiguration.create()
>   val hTable = new HTable(conf, HTABLE)
>   hTable.setAutoFlushTo(false)
>   p.foreach(r => {
>     val hTimestamp = ...
>     val rowkey = ...
>     val hRow = new Put(rowkey, hTimestamp.getMillis)
>     r.filter(...).foreach(tuple =>
>       hRow.add(toBytes(tuple._1), toBytes(tuple._2), toBytes(tuple._3))
>     )
>     hTable.put(hRow)
>     val CREATED_DATE_PUT = new Put(rowkey, hTimestamp.getMillis)
>       .add(toBytes(CF), toBytes(CREATED_DATE), toBytes(now))
>     hTable.checkAndPut(rowkey, toBytes(CF), toBytes(CREATED_DATE), null, 
>   })
>   hTable.flushCommits()
>   hTable.close()
> })

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