Hi Yiannis,

I've found the best solution to this is generally just to add logging
around that area. For example, you could add a try (or Scala Try<>) and
check if an exception has been thrown, then log it somewhere.

As a wild guess, if you're dealing with a Double datatype and getting
NumberFormatException, is it possible one of your values is a NaN?


On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 6:11 AM, Yiannis Gkoufas <johngou...@gmail.com>

> Hi there,
> I am using phoenix-spark to insert multiple entries on a phoenix table.
> I get the following errors:
> ..Exception while committing to database..
> ..Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException..
> I couldn't find on the logs what was the row that was causing the issue.
> Is it possible to extract somehow the (wrong) values that I am trying to
> insert in this column of Double type?
> Thanks a lot!

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