Hey Rafa,

So in terms of the hbase-site.xml, I just need the entries for the location to the zookeeper quorum and the zookeeper znode for the cluster right?


On 17/12/2015 9:48 PM, rafa wrote:
Hi F21,

You can install Query Server in any server that has network connection with your cluster. You'll need connection with zookeeper.

Usually the Apache Phoenix Query Server is installed in the master nodes.

Accordong to the Apache Phoenix doc: https://phoenix.apache.org/server.html

"The server is packaged in a standalone jar, phoenix-server-<version>-runnable.jar. This jar and HBASE_CONF_DIR on the classpath are all that is required to launch the server."

you'll only need that jar and the Hbase XML config files,


On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 11:31 AM, F21 <f21.gro...@gmail.com <mailto:f21.gro...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I have successfully deployed phoenix and the phoenix query server
    into a toy HBase cluster.

    I am currently running the http query server on all regionserver,
    however I think it would be much better if I can run the http
    query servers on separate docker containers or machines. This way,
    I can easily scale the number of query servers and put them
    against a DNS name such as phoenix.mycompany.internal.

    I've had a look at the configuration, but it seems to be heavily
    tied to HBase. For example, it requires the HBASE_CONF_DIR
    environment variable to be set.

    Is this something that's currently possible?

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