
This issue is fixed with the following patch, and using the resulting
'client-spark' JAR after compilation:

As an alternative, you may have some luck also including updated
com.fasterxml.jackson jackson-databind JARs in your app that are in sync
with Spark's versions. Unfortunately the client JAR right now is shipping
fasterxml jars that conflict with the Spark runtime.

Another user has also had success by bundling their own Phoenix
dependencies, if you want to try that out instead:


On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 9:11 AM, sac...@outlook.com <sac...@outlook.com>

> The error is
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module$SetupContext.setClassIntrospector(Lcom/fasterxml/jackson/databind/introspect/ClassIntrospector;)V
>         at
> com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.introspect.ScalaClassIntrospectorModule$$anonfun$1.apply(ScalaClassIntrospector.scala:32)
>         at
> com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.introspect.ScalaClassIntrospectorModule$$anonfun$1.apply(ScalaClassIntrospector.scala:32)
>         at
> com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.JacksonModule$$anonfun$setupModule$1.apply(JacksonModule.scala:47)
>       …..
> The scala code is
> val df = sqlContext.load(
>   "org.apache.phoenix.spark",
>   Map("table" -> "AIS ", "zkUrl" -> "cdhzk1.ccco.com:2181")
> )
> Maybe I got the resoon ,the Phoenix 4.5.2 on  CDH 5.5.x is build with
> spark 1.4 ,and cdh5.5`defalut spark version is 1.5.
> So  how could I do?  To rebuild a phoenix 4.5.2 version with spark 1.5 Or
> change the cdh spark to 1.4.  Apreantly these are difficult for me . Could
> someone help me ? Thank you vey much.

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