Hey Steve,

Thanks for your reply. I am using Phoenix 4.7.0 so these problem to be fixed. Anyway, I did some more tests and noticed that the transactions were timing out:

2016-04-02 09:58:28,189 INFO [tx-clean-timeout] tephra.TransactionManager: Tx invalid list: added tx 1459591047079000000 because of timeout 2016-04-02 09:58:28,189 INFO [tx-clean-timeout] tephra.TransactionManager: Invalidated 1 transactions due to timeout.

On 2/04/2016 1:11 AM, Steve Terrell wrote:
You might try looking up previous emails from me in this mailing list. I had some problems doing commits when using the thin client and Phoenix 4.6.0.

Hope this helps,

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 11:25 PM, F21 <f21.gro...@gmail.com <mailto:f21.gro...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    As I mentioned about a week ago, I am working on a golang client
    using protobuf serialization with the phoenix query server. I have
    successfully dealt with the serialization of requests and responses.

    However, I am trying to commit a transaction and just doesn't seem
    to commit.

    Here's what I am doing (I am not including the WireMessage message
    that wraps the requests/responses for brevity):

    I have a table called "my_table", created by running this sql in
    Squirrel SQL: CREATE TABLE my_table (k BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, v

    OpenConnectionRequest {
      connection_id: "myconnectionid"

    statementID = CreateStatementRequest {
      connection_id: "myconnectionid"

    PrepareAndExecuteRequest {
      connection_id : "myconnectionid"
      statement_id = statementID
      sql = " UPSERT INTO my_table VALUES (1,'A')"

    CommitRequest {
      connection_id: "myconnectionid"

    After sending the commands to the query service, I executed
    "SELECT * FROM my_table" in Squirrel SQL, but I do not see any
    records. There also doesn't seem to be anything interesting in the
    tephra or hbase master logs.

    What is causing this problem?

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