What would I need to do in order to emulate an INSERT or UPDATE in Phoenix, as 
opposed to an UPSERT?

Suppose I had a TRANSACTIONAL table. To do an INSERT, I then:

  1.  Start a transaction
  2.  SELECT the relevant rows, and throw an error if the SELECT is non-empty
  3.  UPSERT
  4.  Commit the transaction

To do an UPDATE, I do the same, except that in step 2 I throw an error if the 
SELECT is empty.

If all of the possible writes to those rows are enclosed in transactions, will 
this avoid the race conditions and give me a true INSERT and UPDATE (at a cost 
of having to make multiple queries, of course)?

The case I have in mind is where we might have DELETE and PATCH queries coming 
into our API. With a back end that supports UPDATE, it's not a problem if a 
DELETE and a PATCH come in at the same time: either the DELETE succeeds and 
then the PATCH fails, or the PATCH succeeds and then the DELETE succeeds. 
Either way, you end up with the row's being deleted. But if we use an UPSERT 
statement for the PATCH, we have a problem: the DELETE can succeed, and then 
the PATCH will still succeed, but it'll insert the row back in again.

I'm unclear as to how to use transactions to guarantee the right behaviour here.



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