I just ran into the following scenario with Phoenix 4.8.1 and HBase 1.2.3.

1. Create a transactional table: CREATE TABLE schemas(version varchar not null primary key) TRANSACTIONAL=true

2. Confirm it exists/is created: SELECT * FROM schemas

3. Begin transaction.

4. Insert into schemas: UPSERT INTO schemas (version) VALUES ('some-release')

5. Also create a table: CREATE TABLE test_table (id integer not null primary key)

6. Commit the transaction.

Once the transaction has been committed, I can see that test_table is created. However, the schemas table is missing the 'some-release' entry.

Which statements do not support transactions? In MySQL, things like CREATE TABLE, etc are non-transactional and would implicitly commit. What is the case with Phoenix? It seems a bit odd that the table is created, but the UPSERT has not effect, event after committing the transaction.



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