
Thank you so much for responding.  Appreciate the link to ppt.  Something I
could not find. but read about snowflake
  I was looking for guidance on the sequence numbers vs UUID approach.

Could I use sequence numbers ?  are the gaps in the sequence numbers ever
back filled?
There is not much documentation on how it works.  If some one explains, I
will be more happy to update the documentation.

thanks again,

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 12:51 AM, John Leach <> wrote:

> Ash,
> I built one a while back based on twitter’s snowflake algorithm.
> Here is a link to a presentation from twitter on it…
> generation-in-distributed-systems
> We used it as the primary key for the table when in essence there was not
> a primary key (just needed uniqueness).
> Good luck.
> Regards,
> John Leach
> On May 2, 2017, at 6:46 PM, Ash N <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Distributed web application.  Millions of users connecting to the site.
> we are receiving about 150,000 events/ sec through Kinesis Stream.
> We need to store these events in a phoenix table identified by an ID the
> primary for the table.
> what is the best way to accomplish this?
> Option 1
> I played with sequences and they seem to work well.  Although with lot of
> gaps.
> will the gaps be filled at all?  if not we will run out of IDs pretty soon.
> Option 2
> UUIDs.
> What is the best way to generate UUID's local or network?
> How are folks typically handling this situation?
> which route is recommended Sequences or UUIDs?
> thanks,
> -ash

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