
Not quite sure I understand your question. The queues are local to your client, not shared by anyone else. In other words, you're only competing against yourself (there's nothing to gain from changing priorities).

I'm surprised that you're seeing issues running such a simple query (select with single predicate). Can you share the updated error message you see, and your table's DDL statement? Perhaps the output of an EXPLAIN on your query, too?

On 6/2/17 4:47 PM, wrote:

Thank you for your reply.  I did do the restarts and I just deleted and 
re-added the jar in the Squirrel lib and it has now noticed the change!  So 
thank you.  However, the error persists even with increases ThreadPoolSize and 
QueueSize.  Could this be a queuing priority error?  Is there any way on the 
client side to bump my tasks up in priority?

Thank you!

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Elser []
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: Phoenix driver query rejection - note change in config?

Hi Megan,

Did you happen to restart Squirrel and/or re-connect to Phoenix after making 
the change? The steps you took (Squirrel, notwithstanding) should have 
sufficiently fixed the issue you described.

Another sanity check would be to make sure your didn't have any mis-typing of 
the configuration key in hbase-site.xml.

On 5/24/17 3:58 PM, wrote:
I have recently set up a JDBC driver to connect to hdfs using Apache
Phoenix. Basic queries on Squirrel have worked well (for example,
"select * from datafile"), but as soon as I ask a slightly more
complicated query (ie, "select column1 from datafile where column2 =
'filter1'", I encounter this error:

org.apache.phoenix.exception.PhoenixIOException: Task

org.apache.phoenix.job.JobManager$InstrumentedJobFutureTask rejected

org.apache.phoenix.job.JobManager[Running, pool size = 128, active
threads =

128, queued tasks = 5000, completed tasks = 5132]

  From some searching, it seems that I should increase the
ThreadPoolSize in the Apache Phoenix hbase.xml configuration file in
order to avoid this error, which I have done, increasing it from 128
to 512. However, it does not seem to have noticed this change. The
error persists and the "pool size" is still given as 128 within the error.

On the Phoenix Driver settings in Squirrel, I have indicated the
location of hbase and hdfs directories containing the .xml config
files under "Extra Class Path" in setup.

Is there any way to make the driver "notice" that the ThreadPoolSize
has changed?

Thank you!


*Megan McClarty*

Process Engineer 2 | Lam Research

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