Still observing chaining of region server restarts.

Our Phoenix version is 4.14-HBase-1.4 at commit

At prod022 got this:

Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]: 2018-10-02 03:24:03,678 WARN  
[hconnection-0x4a616d85-shared--pool8-t10050] client.AsyncProcess: #21, 
table=KM_IDX1, attempt=1/1 failed=2ops, last exception: 
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException: Region 
 is not online on prod015,60020,1538417657739
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:  on prod015,60020,1538417657739, 
tracking started Tue Oct 02 03:24:03 MSK 2018; not retrying 2 - final failure
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]: 2018-10-02 03:24:03,695 INFO  
index.PhoenixIndexFailurePolicy: Successfully update INDEX_DISABLE_TIMESTAMP 
for KM_IDX1 due to an exception while writing updates. 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]: 
disableIndexOnFailure=true, Failed to write to multiple index tables: [KM_IDX1]
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]:         at 
Oct 02 03:24:03 prod022 hbase[160534]: 2018-10-02 03:24:03,696 INFO  
util.IndexManagementUtil: Rethrowing 
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException: ERROR 1121 (XCL21): Write to the 
index failed.  disableIndexOnFailure=true, Failed to write to multiple index 
tables: [KM_IDX1] ,serverTimestamp=1538439843665,
Oct 02 03:24:04 prod022 hbase[160534]: 2018-10-02 03:24:04,094 ERROR 
[prod022,60020,1538417662358-index-writer--pool5-t1605] client.AsyncProcess: 
Cannot get replica 0 location for 
Oct 02 03:24:04 prod022 hbase[160534]: 2018-10-02 03:24:04,095 ERROR 
[prod022,60020,1538417662358-index-writer--pool5-t1605] client.AsyncProcess: 
Cannot get replica 0 location for 

I've already mentioned problem with 
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException in near email in this 

ERROR [prod022,60020,1538417662358-index-writer--pool5-t1605] 
client.AsyncProcess: Cannot get replica 0 location for 

Is something new for me.

Later prod022 goes to restart:

Oct 02 03:24:52 prod022 hbase[160534]: 2018-10-02 03:24:52,238 ERROR 
write.KillServerOnFailurePolicy: Could not update the index table, killing 
server region because couldn't write to an index table

Next prod002 (and prod004,prod005,prod015, prod021) also goes to restart:

Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]: 2018-10-02 03:25:12,669 WARN  
[hconnection-0x3909810e-shared--pool21-t9595] client.AsyncProcess: #102, 
table=KM_IDX1, attempt=1/1 failed=6ops, last exception: 
Call to prod022/ failed on local exception: 
on prod022,60020,1538417662358, tracking started Tue Oct 02 03:25:12 MSK 2018; 
not retrying 6 - final failure
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]: 2018-10-02 03:25:12,688 WARN  
index.PhoenixIndexFailurePolicy: Attempt to disable index KM_IDX1 failed with 
code = UNALLOWED_TABLE_MUTATION. Will use default failure policy instead.
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]: 2018-10-02 03:25:12,688 WARN  
index.PhoenixIndexFailurePolicy: handleFailure failed
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]: 
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException: Attempt to disable KM_IDX1 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]: Caused by: 
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException: Attempt to disable KM_IDX1 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at Method)
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor160.invoke(Unknown Source)
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at 
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         at
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]:         ... 23 more
Oct 02 03:25:12 prod002 hbase[195373]: 2018-10-02 03:25:12,689 ERROR 
write.KillServerOnFailurePolicy: Could not update the index table, killing 
server region because couldn't write to an index table

> On 16 Sep 2018, at 07:43, Sergey Soldatov <> wrote:
> Obviously yes.  If it's not configured than default handlers would be used 
> for index writes and may lead to the distributed deadlock. 
> Thanks,
> Sergey
> On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 11:36 AM Batyrshin Alexander < 
> <>> wrote:
> I've found that we still not configured this:
> hbase.region.server.rpc.scheduler.factory.class = 
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.PhoenixRpcSchedulerFactory
> Can this misconfiguration leads to our problems?
>> On 15 Sep 2018, at 02:04, Sergey Soldatov < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> That was the real problem quite a long time ago (couple years?). Can't say 
>> for sure in which version that was fixed, but now indexes has a priority 
>> over regular tables and their regions open first. So by the moment when we 
>> replay WALs for tables, all index regions are supposed to be online. If you 
>> see the problem on recent versions that usually means that cluster is not 
>> healthy and some of the index regions stuck in RiT state.
>> Thanks,
>> Sergey
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 8:12 PM Jonathan Leech < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> This seems similar to a failure scenario I’ve seen a couple times. I believe 
>> after multiple restarts you got lucky and tables were brought up by Hbase in 
>> the correct order. 
>> What happens is some kind of semi-catastrophic failure where 1 or more 
>> region servers go down with edits that weren’t flushed, and are only in the 
>> WAL. These edits belong to regions whose tables have secondary indexes. 
>> Hbase wants to replay the WAL before bringing up the region server. Phoenix 
>> wants to talk to the index region during this, but can’t. It fails enough 
>> times then stops. 
>> The more region servers / tables / indexes affected, the more likely that a 
>> full restart will get stuck in a classic deadlock. A good old-fashioned data 
>> center outage is a great way to get started with this kind of problem. You 
>> might make some progress and get stuck again, or restart number N might get 
>> those index regions initialized before the main table. 
>> The sure fire way to recover a cluster in this condition is to strategically 
>> disable all the tables that are failing to come up. You can do this from the 
>> Hbase shell as long as the master is running. If I remember right, it’s a 
>> pain since the disable command will hang. You might need to disable a table, 
>> kill the shell, disable the next table, etc. Then restart. You’ll eventually 
>> have a cluster with all the region servers finally started, and a bunch of 
>> disabled regions. If you disabled index tables, enable one, wait for it to 
>> become available; eg its WAL edits will be replayed, then enable the 
>> associated main table and wait for it to come online. If Hbase did it’s job 
>> without error, and your failure didn’t include losing 4 disks at once, order 
>> will be restored. Lather, rinse, repeat until everything is enabled and 
>> online. 
>> <TLDR> A big enough failure sprinkled with a little bit of bad luck and what 
>> seems to be a Phoenix flaw == deadlock trying to get HBASE to start up. Fix 
>> by forcing the order that Hbase brings regions online. Finally, never go 
>> full restart. </TLDR>
>> > On Sep 10, 2018, at 7:30 PM, Batyrshin Alexander < 
>> > <>> wrote:
>> > 
>> > After update web interface at Master show that every region server now 
>> > 1.4.7 and no RITS.
>> > 
>> > Cluster recovered only when we restart all regions servers 4 times...
>> > 
>> >> On 11 Sep 2018, at 04:08, Josh Elser < 
>> >> <>> wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> Did you update the HBase jars on all RegionServers?
>> >> 
>> >> Make sure that you have all of the Regions assigned (no RITs). There 
>> >> could be a pretty simple explanation as to why the index can't be written 
>> >> to.
>> >> 
>> >>> On 9/9/18 3:46 PM, Batyrshin Alexander wrote:
>> >>> Correct me if im wrong.
>> >>> But looks like if you have A and B region server that has index and 
>> >>> primary table then possible situation like this.
>> >>> A and B under writes on table with indexes
>> >>> A - crash
>> >>> B failed on index update because A is not operating then B starting 
>> >>> aborting
>> >>> A after restart try to rebuild index from WAL but B at this time is 
>> >>> aborting then A starting aborting too
>> >>> From this moment nothing happens (0 requests to region servers) and A 
>> >>> and B is not responsible from Master-status web interface
>> >>>> On 9 Sep 2018, at 04:38, Batyrshin Alexander < 
>> >>>> <> < 
>> >>>> <>>> wrote:
>> >>>> 
>> >>>> After update we still can't recover HBase cluster. Our region servers 
>> >>>> ABORTING over and over:
>> >>>> 
>> >>>> prod003:
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:51:27 prod003 hbase[1440]: 2018-09-09 02:51:27,395 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=92,queue=2,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod003,60020,1536446665703: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:51:27 prod003 hbase[1440]: 2018-09-09 02:51:27,395 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=77,queue=7,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod003,60020,1536446665703: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:52:19 prod003 hbase[1440]: 2018-09-09 02:52:19,224 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=82,queue=2,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod003,60020,1536446665703: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:52:28 prod003 hbase[1440]: 2018-09-09 02:52:28,922 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=94,queue=4,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod003,60020,1536446665703: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:55:02 prod003 hbase[957]: 2018-09-09 02:55:02,096 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=95,queue=5,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod003,60020,1536450772841: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:55:18 prod003 hbase[957]: 2018-09-09 02:55:18,793 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=97,queue=7,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod003,60020,1536450772841: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> 
>> >>>> prod004:
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:52:13 prod004 hbase[4890]: 2018-09-09 02:52:13,541 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=83,queue=3,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod004,60020,1536446387325: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:52:50 prod004 hbase[4890]: 2018-09-09 02:52:50,264 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=75,queue=5,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod004,60020,1536446387325: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:53:40 prod004 hbase[4890]: 2018-09-09 02:53:40,709 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=66,queue=6,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod004,60020,1536446387325: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:00 prod004 hbase[4890]: 2018-09-09 02:54:00,060 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=89,queue=9,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod004,60020,1536446387325: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> 
>> >>>> prod005:
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:52:50 prod005 hbase[3772]: 2018-09-09 02:52:50,661 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=65,queue=5,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod005,60020,1536446400009: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:53:27 prod005 hbase[3772]: 2018-09-09 02:53:27,542 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=90,queue=0,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod005,60020,1536446400009: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:00 prod005 hbase[3772]: 2018-09-09 02:53:59,915 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=7,queue=7,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod005,60020,1536446400009: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]: 2018-09-09 02:54:30,058 FATAL 
>> >>>> [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=16,queue=6,port=60020] 
>> >>>> regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region server 
>> >>>> prod005,60020,1536446400009: Could not update the index table, killing 
>> >>>> server region because couldn't write to an index table
>> >>>> 
>> >>>> And so on...
>> >>>> 
>> >>>> Trace is the same everywhere:
>> >>>> 
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]: 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.exception.MultiIndexWriteFailureException:
>> >>>>   disableIndexOnFailure=true, Failed to write to multiple index tables: 
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.TrackingParallelWriterIndexCommitter.write(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.IndexWriter.write(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.IndexWriter.writeAndKillYourselfOnFailure(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.IndexWriter.writeAndKillYourselfOnFailure(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.Indexer.doPostWithExceptions(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.Indexer.doPost(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.Indexer.postBatchMutateIndispensably(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost$
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost$
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost.execOperation(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost.execOperation(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost.postBatchMutateIndispensably(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.doMiniBatchMutation(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.batchMutate(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.batchMutate(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.commitBatch(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.commitBatchWithRetries(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.rebuildIndices(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.doPostScannerOpen(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.BaseScannerRegionObserver$RegionScannerHolder.overrideDelegate(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.BaseScannerRegionObserver$RegionScannerHolder.nextRaw(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RSRpcServices.scan(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RSRpcServices.scan(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos$ClientService$2.callBlockingMethod(
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcExecutor$
>> >>>> Sep 09 02:54:30 prod005 hbase[3772]:         at 
>> >>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcExecutor$
>> >>>> 
>> >>>>> On 9 Sep 2018, at 01:44, Batyrshin Alexander < 
>> >>>>> <> < 
>> >>>>> <>>> wrote:
>> >>>>> 
>> >>>>> Thank you.
>> >>>>> We're updating our cluster right now...
>> >>>>> 
>> >>>>> 
>> >>>>>> On 9 Sep 2018, at 01:39, Ted Yu < 
>> >>>>>> <> < 
>> >>>>>> <>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>> It seems you should deploy hbase with the following fix:
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>> HBASE-21069 NPE in StoreScanner.updateReaders causes RS to crash
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>> 1.4.7 was recently released.
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>> FYI
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>> On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 3:32 PM Batyrshin Alexander < 
>> >>>>>> <> < 
>> >>>>>> <>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>    Hello,
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>   We got this exception from *prod006* server
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]: 2018-09-09 00:38:02,532
>> >>>>>>   FATAL [MemStoreFlusher.1] regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING
>> >>>>>>   region server prod006,60020,1536235102833: Replay of
>> >>>>>>   WAL required. Forcing server shutdown
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:
>> >>>>>>   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DroppedSnapshotException:
>> >>>>>>   region: 
>> >>>>>> KM,c\xEF\xBF\xBD\x16I7\xEF\xBF\xBD\x0A"A\xEF\xBF\xBDd\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\x19\x07t,1536178245576.60c121ba50e67f2429b9ca2ba2a11bad.
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.internalFlushCacheAndCommit(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.internalFlushcache(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.internalFlushcache(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.flushcache(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.flush(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.MemStoreFlusher.flushRegion(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.MemStoreFlusher.flushRegion(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.MemStoreFlusher.access$900(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.MemStoreFlusher$
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]: Caused by:
>> >>>>>>   java.lang.NullPointerException
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   java.util.ArrayList.<init>(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreScanner.updateReaders(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore.notifyChangedReadersObservers(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore.updateStorefiles(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore.access$900(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore$StoreFlusherImpl.commit(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.internalFlushCacheAndCommit(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]:         ... 9 more
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 00:38:02 prod006 hbase[18907]: 2018-09-09 00:38:02,532
>> >>>>>>   FATAL [MemStoreFlusher.1] regionserver.HRegionServer:
>> >>>>>>   RegionServer abort: loaded coprocessors
>> >>>>>>   are: 
>> >>>>>> [org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.IndexHalfStoreFileReaderGenerator,
>> >>>>>>   org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.SequenceRegionObserver,
>> >>>>>>   org.apache.phoenix.c
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>   After that we got ABORTING on almost every Region Servers in
>> >>>>>>   cluster with different reasons:
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>   *prod003*
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]: 2018-09-09 01:12:11,799
>> >>>>>>   FATAL [PostOpenDeployTasks:88bfac1dfd807c4cd1e9c1f31b4f053f]
>> >>>>>>   regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region
>> >>>>>>   server prod003,60020,1536444066291: Exception running
>> >>>>>>   postOpenDeployTasks; region=88bfac1dfd807c4cd1e9c1f31b4f053f
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:
>> >>>>>> <>.InterruptedIOException: #139, interrupted.
>> >>>>>>   currentNumberOfTask=8
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AsyncProcess.waitForMaximumCurrentTasks(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AsyncProcess.waitForMaximumCurrentTasks(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AsyncProcess.waitForAllPreviousOpsAndReset(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.BufferedMutatorImpl.backgroundFlushCommits(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.BufferedMutatorImpl.flush(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable.flushCommits(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable.put(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor.put(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor.putToMetaTable(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor.updateLocation(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor.updateRegionLocation(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer.postOpenDeployTasks(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:11 prod003 hbase[11552]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.OpenRegionHandler$
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>   *prod002*
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]: 2018-09-09 01:12:30,144
>> >>>>>>   FATAL
>> >>>>>>   [RpcServer.default.FPBQ.Fifo.handler=36,queue=6,port=60020]
>> >>>>>>   regionserver.HRegionServer: ABORTING region
>> >>>>>>   server prod002,60020,1536235138673: Could not update the index
>> >>>>>>   table, killing server region because couldn't write to an index
>> >>>>>>   table
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.exception.MultiIndexWriteFailureException:
>> >>>>>>    disableIndexOnFailure=true, Failed to write to multiple index
>> >>>>>>   tables: [KM_IDX1, KM_IDX2, KM_HISTORY1, KM_HISTORY2,
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.TrackingParallelWriterIndexCommitter.write(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.IndexWriter.write(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.IndexWriter.writeAndKillYourselfOnFailure(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.IndexWriter.writeAndKillYourselfOnFailure(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.Indexer.doPostWithExceptions(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.Indexer.doPost(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.Indexer.postBatchMutateIndispensably(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost$
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost$
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost.execOperation(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost.execOperation(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost.postBatchMutateIndispensably(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.doMiniBatchMutation(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.batchMutate(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.batchMutate(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.commitBatch(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.access$000(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver$1.doMutation(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.index.PhoenixIndexFailurePolicy.doBatchWithRetries(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.handleIndexWriteException(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.commitBatchWithRetries(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.rebuildIndices(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.doPostScannerOpen(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.BaseScannerRegionObserver$RegionScannerHolder.overrideDelegate(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.BaseScannerRegionObserver$RegionScannerHolder.nextRaw(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RSRpcServices.scan(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RSRpcServices.scan(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos$ClientService$2.callBlockingMethod(
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcExecutor$
>> >>>>>>   Sep 09 01:12:30 prod002 hbase[29056]:         at
>> >>>>>>   
>> >>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcExecutor$
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>   And etc...
>> >>>>>> 
>> >>>>>>   Master-status web interface shows that contact lost from this
>> >>>>>>   aborted servers. 
>> >>>>> 
>> >>>> 
>> > 

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