Are you reaching any of the ulimits for the user running your application?

On Wed, 10 Oct 2018, 17:00 Hemal Parekh, <> wrote:

> We have an analytical application running concurrent phoenix queries
> against Hortonworks HDP 2.6 cluster. Application uses phoenix JDBC
> connection to run queries. Often times, concurrent queries fail with
> "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread" error.
> JDBC connection sets following phoenix properties.
> connectionProps.setProperty("phoenix.query.threadPoolSize", "2000")
> connectionProps.setProperty("phoenix.query.querySize", "40000")
> Phoenix version is 4.7 and Hbase version is 1.1.2, The HDP cluster has six
> regionservers on six data nodes. Concurrent queries run against different
> phoenix tables, some are small having few million records and some are big
> having few billions records. Most of the queries do not have joins,  where
> clause includes conditions on rowkey and few nonkey columns. Queries with
> joins (which are on small tables) have used USE_SORT_MERGE_JOIN hint.
> Are there other phoenix properties which need to be set on JDBC
> connection? Are above values for phoenix.query.threadPoolSize and 
> phoenix.query.querySize
> enough to handle concurrent query use case? We have changed these two
> properties couple of times to increase their values but the error still
> remains the same.
> Thanks,
> Hemal Parekh

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