Hi Dima,

You need to have Apache Forrest installed and supply its installation path
with -Dforrest.home=<your_forrest_home> when running this ant target.
This is required for generating the documentation.


On 9 January 2017 at 17:34, Dima Fadeyev <linuxrem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, everyone,
> I'm trying to build pig (binary tar archive) from source downloaded from
> apache website (pig-0.16.0-src.tar.gz archive). I'm running:
> ant tar
> The command ends with an error:
> forrest.check.plugins:
> /root/pig-0.16.0-src/build.xml:652: ${forrest.home}/plugins is not
> writeable. Fix: chmod a+rwX -R ${forrest.home}/plugins
> Please, could anyone help me to resolve this.
> Thanks in advance and best regards.

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