If you are using PigServer and submitting programmatically via same jvm, it
should automatically reuse the application if the requested AM resources
are same.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 12:20 PM Diego Pereira <diego.ns.pere...@gmail.com>

> Hi!
> We are developing an application that is looking for new files on a folder,
> running a few Pig Scripts to prepare those files and, finally, loading them
> into our database.
> The problem is that, for small files, the time that Pig / Tez / Yarn take
> to create a new application master and spawn new containers is way longer
> than the time it takes processing.
> Since Tez Sessions already allows a single Pig script to run multiple DAGs
> against the same application master, is there a way to reuse that
> application master and it´s containers for multiple Pig Scripts submissions
> ?
> Regards,
> Diego

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