Jason, many thanks!  I will try it as soon as I get a chance.


On 2/9/18 7:40 AM, Jason Martin wrote:
NetRexx KitchenSink instructions

User has to install from:
1) Binary Distributions and add pivot jars to classpath

2) Download the Source Code Distributions and put where you want

3) place KitchenSink.nrx in
where all the png's and extra bxmls are.

4) Have NetRexx jars in classpath and bins setup
nrc KitchenSink.nrx

cd back up to ~/apache-pivot-2.0.5-src/tutorials/src/

java org.apache.pivot.tutorials.KitchenSink

It is easy to create the bxmls in eclipse
Get the plugin
You can create and test the designs with the same simple sample.

still needs cleaning / testing and more Rexx like
distribution - yes but user has to install pivot

presentation yes, maybe;really tired

IT IS AVAILABLE in places where JavaFX, the plugin, and web start is not.

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