
>>most of these are long shots, as they only throw an unexpected NPE from
line you indicate when the input double is -Double.MIN_VALUE.  Probably not
very helpful.<<

This is exactly right. The error is in which is calling

So, the workbook has a cell, Model!A4 which resolves to a -1 (but not null)
date. But, when EData calls getJavaDate(-1), that returns "nil" which is
then passed to calendar.setTime. I'm going to try to really simplify the
example, which...maybe is only incidental to conditional formatting? Or
there's something that the conditional formatting isn't catching that it

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Blake Watson <>

> OK: I was not doing it for my example, but adding it in didn't change
> anything. I am creating a cell object, but I'm not changing any values (or
> formats).
> I was able to open the file as well, after some fussing around. I think it
> was just something I didn't get about FileInputStream. So I now have the
> code in Java and with a stack trace. This produces the error. I'll put the
> whole thing up in Bugzilla, then I'll go back and try to find the exact
> cause.
> public class Main {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>             try {
>                 Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(new 
> File("condfail.xlsx"));
>                 Sheet sheet = (wb.getSheet("IRPPCalc"));
>                 Row row = (sheet.getRow(11));
>                 XSSFCell cell = (XSSFCell) row.getCell(18);
>                 WorkbookEvaluatorProvider fe = (WorkbookEvaluatorProvider) 
> wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
>                 System.out.println("&&&&");
>                 ConditionalFormattingEvaluator condfmt = new 
> ConditionalFormattingEvaluator(wb, fe);
>                 System.out.println(">>>>" + 
> condfmt.getConditionalFormattingForCell(cell));
>             } catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();};
>     }
> }


*Blake Watson*

Application Development Manager
5898 Condor Drive
Moorpark, CA 93021
(805) 330.4911 x7742 <>

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