
I'm sorry but I'm confused. Wondering if reply to emails got crossed. 

I'm trying to resolve dependencies for the apache.servicemix.bundle.poi , 
upgrading from 3.9_2 to 4.0.0_1 . 

Is this patch for me, for this fix?  If so can I get it from Maven repos?

The poi-contrib is bundled in this servicemix.bundle.poi ? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Beeker <> 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 2:40 PM
Subject: EXT: Re: how to instrument the apache bundles poi 4.0.0_1

For POI 4.0.0, I've created a patch 
feel free to use it as a starting point. I've just realized that there's a 
sandbox for Apache committers, maybe I should push my updates there ...

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