Dear All,

compliments of the day.
We face some challenges with reading values from Spread Sheets. 

Example: the numeric cell has the value = 0.1066913 and when reading
that value with POI we receive the double = 0.10669129999999999.

This turns into a problem, when writing these figures into a database,
when the Precision/Scale of the field can't hold that double value,

JdbcSQLDataException: Value too long for column """BASE_RATE""
VARCHAR(12)": "'0.10669129999999999' (19)"; SQL statement:
,ID_CURRENCY_FIX_AMOUNT ,ID_SCRIPT)  VALUES (? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?
,? ,? ,? ,? ,?)  [22001-199]+

Excel itself does not seem to have a problem, because multiplying the
value = 0.1066913 with a large multiplicant 1E15 gives the correct
amount: 0.1066913 x 1E15 = 106691300000000
Furthermore, "similar" values like 0.0813613 or 0.0716913 work well and
will fit.
My question is: How does Excel know the correct value, but POI does
not? And would it not be very very usefull to have a method returning
cell values as BigDecimals instead of Doubles.

At the moment, we work around by advising the users to provide numbers
as Text/String. Although that is counter intuitive and always yields in
having egg on the face.

Thank you already for advise and best regards

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