Trying the luck again :)

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 4:02 PM, amal kumar <>

> Hi,
> We are using Spark on yarn and after referring the below URL, we have been
> able to submit the jobs to yarn from remote machine (i.e. PredictionIO
> Server).
> 1. copied core-site.xml and yarn-site.xml from Yarn cluster onto remote
> machine (i.e. PredictionIO Server)
> 2. set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable in (locally
> installed copy) on the remote machine to locate the files core-site.xml and
> yarn-site.xml
> Now, when I am trying to train the model using the below command, I get a
> new error.
> pio train -- --master yarn-cluster
> *Console Error Logs:*
> File does not exist:
> hdfs://
> user/root/.sparkStaging/application_1476763882145_0069/hbase-site.xml
> *Yarn Error Logs:*
> [ERROR] [CreateWorkflow$] Error reading from file: File
> file:/home/user/PredictionIO/SimilarProductRecommendation/engine.json
> does not exist. Aborting workflow
> I also tried to pass the file path, but no luck.
> pio train -- --master yarn-cluster  --files file:/home/user/PredictionIO/
> SimilarProductRecommendation/engine.json
> Thanks,
> Amal

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