Create categorical date ranges and attach them to items. They will be "0-10 
days”, "11-20 days” etc. Something that encodes how far back from today the 
data is. This will, of course need to be updated periodically with a property 
change event.

Then in your engine.json or query boost "0-10 days” with a bias of something 
above 1 like 10, and “11-20 days” by something less like 5.

If you limit the number of user history events you will get a recency effect 
also. This is discussed in 
<>, look for maxQueryEvents. This will allow you 
to look for the most current user intent, it will not explicitly boost new 
things. IMHO It is likely to have a better effect on your KPIs than an explicit 
boost but you’d have to A/B test to be sure.

On Oct 18, 2016, at 7:39 AM, Tom McCaul <> wrote:


I'm setting up UR to return an ordered list of items for a category by 
popularity but I wanted to boost new in items.

So far, I'm using an attribute to create a boost for those new products but 
this isn't the most ideal set up.  I'd prefer for the boost to be weighted over 
time, so on day 1, the product receives the biggest boost and by day 28 (just 
before it's no longer considered new) it's at its lowest.

Does anyone have any suggestions how I could best approach this?

Tom&Co. Ltd.
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