Hi Pat,

Thanks for your help, problem fixed.
The issue was about using same indexNames, everything else was correct except 

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From: Pat Ferrel<mailto:p...@occamsmachete.com>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple apps problem

You have 2 copies of the UR directory and 2 engine.json files and 2 input event 
sets? Make sure there are different "indexName" set for each model in the 2 
engine.json files. Otherwise training of one engine will wipe out the other 
since they point to the same indexName.

To have 2 completely separate applications with different data you need:
1) 2 different EventServer appNames with different appids, create with `pio app 
new <your-app-name>`
2) 2 different indexNames for 2 models, set in the 2 engine.json files
3) each engine deployed on a separate port (you have this already)

On Jan 13, 2017, at 12:35 AM, Hossein Bahrami 
<h.bahr...@live.com<mailto:h.bahr...@live.com>> wrote:

Hi Pat,

I have a Ubuntu machine which PredictionIo (0.9.7-aml) installed on it,
I have two application both based on Universal recommender template.
I trained both of the apps and deployed them on different ports .
Results of the apps were quite normal but the problem which I figured out later 
is that one of the apps was predicting items with score zero so I retrained it 
then scores become normal numbers but after this action (retraining) the other 
app start returning empty results, so I retrained that one and then the first 
one returned zero score items again .

This is like closed circle and retraining each of apps causes the other app 
return empty results or abnormal zero scored results.


From: Pat Ferrel<mailto:p...@occamsmachete.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple apps problem

This forum is to support Apache PIO, and the latest UR runs on it so I advise 
you upgrade. Instructions are here on actionml.com<http://actionml.com/> or 
here for Apache PIO: http://predictionio.incubator.apache.org/install/

I don't understand your explanation, there should be one train per 
PredictionServer, you can't have one PS and two "engines" or configurations. 
The 2 engines must be on 2 different ports if deployed separately.

Can you explain your setup and what you are trying to do?

On Jan 12, 2017, at 7:39 AM, Hossein Bahrami 
<h.bahr...@live.com<mailto:h.bahr...@live.com>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have a very strange problem. I have two application running on one 
predictionio engine, each time I train one of them the other one's predictions 
returning zero score items for one of them and no items at all for the other.

I am using UR algorithm for both of apps

pio version : 0.9.7-aml


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